What's on your grocery list?

Started by Tobina+1, August 14, 2008, 11:41:44 AM

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I agree wholeheartedly with Steve. I buy at Aldi's or Sav-A-Lot. I have 3 kids that like to eat me out of house and home. I went to Walmart the other day to get stuff to make lasagna and spent over $50!! I do buy stuff at Longton Grocery too tho. I get milk and ice cream and bread, etc. and trust me they get their fair share from me! But I believe in buying in bulk, it's cheaper and I only go major grocery shopping once a month too. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the food from the "lower price" stores. It all comes from the same place, just has different labels. NAME BRANDS=HIGHER PRICES!





Julie told me to be nice... 

First of all.  Who ever thinks they can drive anywhere and buy anything cheaper than the amount family market sells for go right ahead and try.  We shopped at Aldi for over a year stocking the store before we started getting trucks in.   If you think you can go out of town and save big money buying 100 dollars at at time you obviously didn't have very good math skills as a youth.   Even with gas down to $3.50 a gallon the closest Bentonville black hole is in Winfield 45 miles from here.   You are thrifty so you probally don't have a brand new volkswagon at 50 miles to the gallon so let's assume that you get about 10-12 miles to the gallon.  That means not counting your time or any thing else like wear and tear on the vehicle you are spending $18.00 before you even by a gummy bear.  That means that I can charge 17% more that them and still save you money.   I challenge any one to fill a grocery cart at both stores and compare apples to apples and find how much we are gouging you.

I would also say that our meat department has an entire grade better meat than the distribution cut, cryovac sealed with nitrogen to prevent color change, is still cheaper per pound.   They sell select cuts.  We sell choice or better.  We have the ability to cut you 2" thick steaks if you want.  Grind your hamburger in 10lb containers. 

Our produce as small as it is right now is still better quality than the Aldi version.  Find a cheaper head of lettuce.

Don't even get me started on milk.   Bring me a gallon of milk for under $4.   I will bet you it dates two days before the date on the jug.  Because you brought it home in a 134 degree vehicle for an hour.  Coolers only work so well.

As for the grocery list we try to get any and all things that we have available.   Some of the mentioned items we have had before but didn't sell...Silk has a very short shelf life.  Strawberries hate hot weather.   We haven't been able to install misters on the produce as we are going to expand the area if someone will get off the computer long enough to swing a hammer.  All the dry goods can be ordered but what do you want to get rid of.  We have limited space if we add something new we must get rid of something old.   Bread.....We have had more overstocked bread in the last two weeks than we have pills.  We even had black bread.  We have Earthgrains truck in every Friday.  If you like soft squeezable bread then come in Friday afternoon or Saturday.  If you like the crusty stuff we have it all the time.   If it is not out we probably have more in the back. 

Pepsi and Coke have deals with the big box stores that I can't buy even close to what they sell retail for.   Even when we have it on sale it will always be cheaper somewhere else.

Did you know there are King Crab legs in the freezer? 

Would you like to shop on Sunday?

Would you like to shop later hours?

One last note.....Bring me the receipt the next time you get a soda fountain sized ice cream cone somewhere out of town....I bet I can buy a gallon of gas with the difference.

We have always given full case discounts.  Try that at Kroger....


I agree on many of your points, PEP. The ONLY time we shop out of town is if we're going to be there for an appointment, church, etc. We never make a trip just for grocery shopping. It costs us $20 for a round trip to Wichita, which means we've already spent any savings we might find there. And what we do buy at Dillons (we do NOT shop at Wal-Mart on principle) are things we can't get here (refer back to my "wish list"), and would gladly purchase if we could.

The beef sold here is by far some of the best we've ever had. The ground beef and steaks are flavorful and less expensive than that sold in OOT stores. We're very pleased!

The same is true for the milk. When we lived in Wichita, we'd have milk in the fridge spoil before the Xdate on the jug....that's never happened here.

T and I have been buying the rye and black bread, and really like the cracked wheat variety. Does the company offer French or Italian? Understandably, there's a shelf life issue if demand isn't high for these items, but we'd buy them regularly if they were available.

As for Sunday hours, you guys need a day off, too! There has been only one instance when I needed something on a Sunday -- Jiffy cornbread mix -- and I was amazed to find it at P&J's! I guarantee QuikTrip doesn't carry cornbread mix!

Overall, we "big city" transplants are more than satisfied with our grocery shopping options here, and we commend the Perkins for all their efforts. The store is more convenient, has comparable prices (and in some cases, cheaper and in no way "gouging") and it doesn't take all day to do the shopping. Life in Howard is good!


I have to agree with PEP, I have filled up many of shopping carts at Family Market.  Sometimes I think that they hate to see me coming.  I do buy for a daycare, which I feed daily about 30 meals.  I do get money to cover the cost of food for the daycare and the meals that I serve.  And when I get my check each month, I still have money left over from what I spend at Family Market.  I understand that you have a budget, so do most everyone out there these days.  (If they don't they have more money that most people around here).  If you buy bulk, I buy cases of veggies at a time and fruits, they come to equal around .50 a can.  I haven't seen can goods that cheap in a while.  As for the meat, I really don't buy much meat at all besides lunch meat and such.  We have our own meat, which is better than anywhere, (Sorry PEP but we raise it and it's just GOOD!!)  Now, about the produce, great selections.  If, again, they don't have what I need I just ask.  Usually they can get it, it might even be out of season but they try.  I am not trying to be mean about shopping other places, I used to do it to.  But I just can't see that anything is cheaper other places.  I have filled up 2 carts at the Family Market and been under or just a little over 100.00.  I think that is pretty darn good!!!  Of course, my budget is a little higher than most for food.  But not to many people can feed around 10-12 kids a day, 5 days a week as cheap as what I do, and still have money left to pay the bills.  I fix really nice meals for my kids at the daycare.  Breakfast, lunch (meat, 1 veggie, 1 fruit, bread item, and milk.  I usually through something else on the plate to make it a full plate), and 1 or even 2 snacks a day.  They get homemade bread or cinnamon rolls at least once a month.

Ok, a grocery list to see what Family Market needs to add.  Let's see, if they don't have what I need I just ask while I am there.  Julie or about anyone of the people that work there will try to get right on the computer and see if they can get it.  And if they can, it usually can be there the next day or with in a week.  Tobina, I really don't have any suggestions, since if its something I need I usually just ask right then and there.  I just feel that I needed to speak the truth and my mind above.   ;D ;D
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I was hoping and waiting for someone else to touch on this, but here goes.

When's the last time:

Dillons bid on a 4-H steer?

Wal-mart helped the high school band buy uniforms?

You saw the manager of Aldi at a Howard Chamber of Commerce meeting or helping the Lions clean up the old school grounds?

Remind me again how much Target donated to the clock tower project?

A key to community development is to support your local businesses, because they are the ones that support you!!!!!

The few times that I am back in Moline for more than a day, Angie and I go to Family Market to get the small amount of food we'll need while we're there.  And we have never felt "gouged."  Sure a few things might appear to be a little higher, but if you price checked any 50 common items, any difference between Family Market and other "out of town" stores would be negligible.


Very well said Charlie.

I buy every single grocery item I buy from Family Market and feel fortunate to be able to do so.  It is such a blessing in our town.  Even when I go to Wichita (my wife is there every day) or anywhere else with a Wal-Mart, Dillons, Target, etc..I go right on by.  I feel like there is still a lack of support for our fine store by many of the local townspeople, but maybe those that haven't will come around.


you know, groceries aren't the only things you can buy in Howard.  I still kick myself in the butt every day.  When I sold my house in Severy, I sold it with the appliances.  Went to Eureka and bought all new (Stove, frig, dishwasher, washer and dryer) and had them delivered to my new home in Howard.  THEN I find out that I could have gotten all these things at Cookson's Hdw.  Had I known that, I sure would have.  Since moving to Howard anything I can get at Mark's, I do.  Don't use a lot of "big" items, but maybe my measly purchases help a little.  Matter of fact sometime today I hope to get down there and see if he has a weed eater.  Mine refuses to start.  Meanwhile I'm getting ready to decorate a cake for Joanna's baby shower ( ;D one she's giving) so better get off here and get busy. Have a good day everyone.


I simply asked if there were suggestions for Batson's/Family Market as they expand their store.  I didn't say the things they had were bad, or Walmart has them better.  What are they going to do with that new space; store boxes?  No, they are expanding to make it a better store with a better shopping experience!
If I were them, I would sit back and take notes instead of being so defensive about this all.  How many times do you get the chance to simply ask your customers WHAT would make their shopping experience better?  My opinion is that ANY business who doesn't want feedback from their customers, won't be in busines for long!
I HATE having to go to Walmart to buy things... but there are certain things that I cannot get at Batson's, and there isn't anything they carry that can be a subsitute.  So, I figured that they might appreciate this opportunity to find out what things they might consider carrying to make me buy more there!?
PEP, I would also caution you to do some research before you post.  I have two gallons of Silk Chocolate milk in my fridge that I bought 2 weeks ago... and the expiration date is 10/5/08.  And instead of being so defensive, why not just post your delivery information on here?  Let us know when the milk and bread comes in.  The last 3 times I have gone to the store, there have been no hamb or hotdog buns on the shelf; so I was unable to buy.  So, if you have more in the back, then STOCK THEM.  I don't have time to ask for every single item I want. 


accept my apology, Tobina.  I read your original post as a complaint because you couldn't get the things you wanted at Family Market.


"Ask and you shall receive"?
I just got back from town to grab a few items at Family Market... and lo and behold, what did I find?  Our Family French Vanilla creamer - liquid!  And beautiful, fresh strawberries!  And I also noticed a huge bag of Splenda, Indygal! 
My apologies to Patty that he wasn't taking notes... or at least someone at the store was.  Or maybe it was just coincidence since earlier in the week when I was there.  My point is (and always was) that we are lucky to have a wonderful, home-owned grocery and pharmacy who is WILLING to listen to their customers and try and provide the items that they request.

So, again, let's start over... if you have an item that you'd like them to consider stocking... feel free to post it here, since I'm sure Patty, et al, will be watching (and quietly taking notes).   ;)

... But I still didn't see any Silk Chocolate Milk!  That's OK, you have at least a week before Chuck gets down the 2 gallons I have left...   ;)

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