Enjoyed Elk Konnected update

Started by Rudy Taylor, August 13, 2008, 02:57:59 PM

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Elk Konnected is what was missing when I was Economic Development Director for Elk County.  To see what I mean, please check out this link:


How many of those questions could be answered yes just two or three years ago?

While I was director, I turned a few from no to yes, but it takes a strong, "one area, one community" attitude to really start turning those red lights to green.  My many congratulations on the progress so far, and my prayers that the hard work continues and pays off in many positive changes to the area.


Well, heck.  It looks like we missed out on working together with Elk Konnected and a great Economic Development director by just a few years!  Hopefully a position like that will become available again soon, so if you're looking to move back, keep your ears open (and we'll keep you in mind!).
A lot of these questions are very similar to the initial survey that Terry and the Steering committee conducted at the beginning of this program.  I'd be very interested to see the results of the same survey in about a year... (hint to Steering Comm members).

Diane Amberg

Tobina, I'm sure you all have already done this, but I have to ask....Have you all looked into grant money from all sources? Ag. Dept. for rural funding or "in- kind- services" such as engineering?  R.C. and D. money? I still am concerned about your water situation out there.


I have many thoughts and comments on "grants". But as this is tangental to the original topic here, I will make only one point.

Most (but not all) grant or other funding programs have a "local matching funds" catch.  The people with the money (whether its a gov't entity, foundation, or even an individual) want to get the most bang for their buck, so they will only fund projects that have local "match" money.  Sometimes the local match can be as low as 10% and it can be "earned" through volunteer hours.  Other times it can be as high as 75% and has to be cold hard cash. 

That's my one point.

If you want more points, or wish to comment on this post, please start a new topic on it, and I will expand on the subject.

As Tobina has made clear in other threads, we posters often tend to get off track, or miss the point, or both.  Elk Konnected is doing very important work for the area, and I don't want to muddy the waters of this specific thread.


I've lived in a few other communities (I won't claim I'm an expert, though, as many of you have lived many different places), but I always like to look around and find what works in OTHER communities.  Why re-create the wheel?
I took Terry's advice from the meeting Tuesday and went and looked at the website kscomm.net.  On it were all the other communities that Terry has worked with, along with some of their other action teams and their focuses.  They haven't been updated in a while, but the articles are also an excellent way to get some ideas!
One VERY interesting idea... one community has their elderly, retired adults be "greeters" at the high school!  Kids are greeted with smiling faces and even hugs as they walk into the school!  Just think how much better your day would go if you were personally greeted at the door each morning... and just think how much better you would act if you knew someone like your grandma/grandpa could find out what you were doing at school!  Ha!

Diane Amberg

Sorry, I just wondered if Elk Connected had looked into funding as part of the great job they are doing. I was just looking for a yes or no. I'll go hide now.

L Hendricks

Diane - the funding for Elk Konnected (Konnected is spelled this way b/c of the EK on license plates) has all come from private donations.  The $3k seed money was raised from 74 donors and the $7500 was raised from another 40 some donors.  This last 7500 will be matched by Ks Dept of Commerce and Ks Health Foundation.  The Elk Co Community & Education Foundation also raised $2000 from their tablesetting last spring to be used for any of the action teams.  To date, none of the action teams have needed to use much of this.  Most of the work has been from volunteers.  The Youth Development Action team did receive approval to use some money out of the Elk Co Parks & Rec Fund (which comes from the sale of alcoholic beverages).  The Wellness Action team will probably need to look into alternative fundings when they get further down the planning road.

Diane Amberg


Thanks, Liz!  I was hoping someone would step in on that question from Diane, as I don't know much.  I know there are funds out there, but it takes a lot of work and a strong "plan" before applying.  Like Liz said, there will be a time for that.  Right now, we are still in the planning and research stages of WHAT needs to be done.  We also need to make sure the communities are IN IT... for the long haul.  We could get an anonymous donation or win "extreme makeover" and get a rec center built, but if the communities won't support it and keep it going... it will quickly fail.  If everyone has their input... and 'SKIN in the game'... then it will be more likely to thrive.  That goes for any/all EK projects.


Quote from: Flintauqua on August 15, 2008, 11:12:32 AM
If you want more points, or wish to comment on this post, please start a new topic on it, and I will expand on the subject.

As Tobina has made clear in other threads, we posters often tend to get off track, or miss the point, or both.  Elk Konnected is doing very important work for the area, and I don't want to muddy the waters of this specific thread.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 15, 2008, 05:52:30 PM
I'll go hide now.

Sorry if I came off harsh.  All I meant was "I" didn't want to inject this particular thread with "my" pollution on grants. 

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