Are You A Rebel Or A Yankee?

Started by Warph, August 12, 2008, 08:41:15 AM

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took the second one too.  100% General Lee is still my great grandpa :D

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Steve my Great Aunt on my dad's side Virginia Lee Couchman was related to Robert E. Lee directly. I just started expanding that side of my family tree past my great grandpa. I don't understand all that 3rd cousin twice removed stuff yet but it seems that our family trees cross not all that far back. I'd have to do the math but I think Gen. Robert E. Lee would have been your great-great grandpa. I bet his son Robert E. Lee Jr (his youngest son and old living child with kids)  who died in 1914 is your great grandpa.

Steve here is my guess without looking up records.

Great Great grandpa General Robert E. Lee
Great Grandpa is Robert E Lee Jr (Rob)
Grandparents Anne Carter Lee or Mary Custis Lee from Junior's second marriage.

Just off the top of my head so I may be wrong I will check my facts.

Many of Gen Lee's kids did not have children. Since I don't know your age but figure you are 50 to 60 by your picture I used Rob because he was oldest living child of Gen Lee with kids. If you know more info let me know and maybe we can trade family tree info.


Good one, Heather!  You wouldn't happen to be related to Christy Tyler, would you?


yes that would be my mom, why ?????
Sword with a double edged'll cut you either way.


Because that means that I know and greatly admire your mother, that's were also a good student, if I remember correctly! lol


Quote from: dnalexander on August 13, 2008, 06:28:07 PM
Steve my Great Aunt on my dad's side Virginia Lee Couchman was related to Robert E. Lee directly. I just started expanding that side of my family tree past my great grandpa. I don't understand all that 3rd cousin twice removed stuff yet but it seems that our family trees cross not all that far back. I'd have to do the math but I think Gen. Robert E. Lee would have been your great-great grandpa. I bet his son Robert E. Lee Jr (his youngest son and old living child with kids)  who died in 1914 is your great grandpa.

Steve here is my guess without looking up records.

Great Great grandpa General Robert E. Lee
Great Grandpa is Robert E Lee Jr (Rob)
Grandparents Anne Carter Lee or Mary Custis Lee from Junior's second marriage.

Just off the top of my head so I may be wrong I will check my facts.

Many of Gen Lee's kids did not have children. Since I don't know your age but figure you are 50 to 60 by your picture I used Rob because he was oldest living child of Gen Lee with kids. If you know more info let me know and maybe we can trade family tree info.

LOL Umm sorry bout that, he wasn't my gg grandpa :)  I was referring to the quiz. it says if your 100% gen lee was your gg grandpa ;)

I do have a captain and a seargent in the CSA in my family tree.  I have to look em up though. Not sure of their names.
I can trace my family all the way to the alegonquin tribe in the 1600's on one side.  The other side of my family was from croatia and we have traced back to 1536 i believe.  :)
Then theres my moms side of the family and i am direct deciendants of the mccoys of the hatfields and mccoys and of president taylor. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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