Kansas' Senator/Rep was here not that anyone cared. 08/11/08

Started by pepelect, August 10, 2008, 09:00:04 AM

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Jerry Moran explained how he got into politics.  He said his grandfather owned a ranch by Olpe.  His dad and dad's brother weren't able to make it work anymore there, so they moved to Phillipsburg to work on oil rigs.  Jerry's mother worked as the electric company bill collector.  He was very interested in history as a kid, and his rep invited him to DC for a summer internship when he was in high school.  It was all downhill from there.   ;)  He is truly "grassroots", though.  Only 2 people asked him questions.  I asked him about COOL.  He also told us that the "Farm Bill" is actually over 70% dedicated to programs like Food Stamps and nutrition programs, and only 30% is dedicated to actual FARM related issues.

Crap.  Patty sucked me back into Politics.  I just follow him around like a puppy, don't I.  Maybe I'll pee on his leg.


I have written letters to our senator..( Imagine that   ;D ::)) I have made phone calls.. I also do correspondence with the governors of the states that are against our 2nd amendment rights. I do a lot of work.behind the scenes and not in the public's eye.
I would have loved to have been there.. but I had my 2 little sweeties with me for 5 days.. so that limited me form even moving sideways without the little munchkins hanging on their mee maw..  ;D  ( Not real conducive to serious political or questions)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Tobina on August 13, 2008, 09:40:01 AM

Crap.  Patty sucked me back into Politics.  I just follow him around like a puppy, don't I.  Maybe I'll pee on his leg.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D - great sense of humor, Tobina


Goddess:    It wouldn't be the first time some cute young thing left a gift on my leg.   But unlike last time I would recommend depends not huggies.  I could get you a case discount if you want. :P :P


Quote from: pepelect on August 13, 2008, 10:48:35 PM
Goddess:    It wouldn't be the first time some cute young thing left a gift on my leg. 
Wow!  I went from "Bovine tag lady" to "cute young thing" and "Goddess"!  Don't I feel special!   ;)

But we better be careful... they might kick us out of the Politics section... they're pretty serious over here.
Catchya back in the coffee shop... if only I had some to drink!!!


Man... I didn't even know this was happening until a day after. All of a sudden saw a but of Roberts signs around and was curious about it then found out here what was going on. I would have loved to attend.

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