Obama....It's just never-ending

Started by Teresa, August 13, 2008, 10:30:25 AM

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The more I see of him, the more I feel that we here in The Netherlands and will never get the full story..................until it's too late of course.

Go to www.obamatruth.org to read articles relating the facts in this video.

Obama's problems continue. He still has Meeks do deal with. He also has the Black Panthers, Ayers, and Rezko in his closet. Obama has so many skeletons in the closet, if he gets in the White House it will become the Haunted House

Barack Obama may have another public relations problem in the coming months. The New Black Panther Party just endorsed him. While some people may say that Barack Obama has no control over who endorses him, this is different.

The difference here is that the New Black Panther Party is on Barack Obama's website. They basically created their own page. Why this was tolerated is beyond me... unless Barack Obama wants their endorsement? If he does not want their endorsement, how much control over his staff is he going to have if he is elected into office?
Again.. "clueless " comes to mind.

We already saw that his staff was allowed to fly a Che Guevara flag inside his office!

The New Black Panther Party is openly anti-White, anti-Jewish, and anti-America.  If this is going to demonstrate a pattern of Barack Obama's judgment,how can we take the chance on him dealing with world leaders.You want these groups having access to the White House?  Do you???

Barack Obama Close Adviser James Meeks

On closing this.......................We hear about the age of John McCain  and how he can't read off a teleprompter very well..or that he isn't a gifted speaker...and that he is senile is close-minded and stereotypical.

I find it amazing that people would rather vote for someone who openly supports and embraces Marxist theory, anti-semetic preachings, and anti-american ignorance; than someone who gave years of his life defending our nation and the rights we have here, the rights and sacrifices that Obama feels he doesn't need to respect or pay homage to when saluting the flag or embracing our nation with pride instead of shame. Oh but I forgot.. his wife finally did say that she was this one time..proud of our country.
( wonder how long that will last? Or even if it was the truth to begin with.   ::))

You know? Give me something on this guy other than empty promises of change. On The O'Reilly factor last night , they had 2 republicans that were in favor of Obama. They are voting on "hope".. No past political record can be used. They couldn't answer one thing that they used for issue solidification. Not One.  It was all on " I talked with him and he convinced me..........................."
Convinced.............once again.... Any speaker that could sell Bikinis to Eskimos can "convince".. I want someone that has been in the middle of the war of this world. Who has looked at death in the eyes and see first hand, troops fighting for their lives and for ours. 

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, it is certainly no surprise that the Black Panther Party would endorse Obama, Obama's Minister, Mentor and the man that got him into politics and has probably had the most influence in his life, Preaches the same Philosyphy as the Black Panthers and their followers.


Now it is easy to understand why we are not getting anywhere with race relations in this country!

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