Rep of Georgia

Started by srkruzich, August 10, 2008, 09:50:13 PM

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Many of the countries that used to be part of the USSR are trying to exert their independence and have been for 15+ years. At many turns, they are being stymied by Russia. As a last resort, most of these nations are now trying to join NATO in an effort to join forces against Russia and stay independent. We are talking about everything from Agricultural deals with the areas that used to be the "bread basket" of the Soviet Union to Caspian Sea oil deals. If Russia doesn't like it (or should I say, Putin doesn't like it) then Russia uses its influence on the deal. This is all about Russia exerting regional power over Europe.

Now let's get to SCO - the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Most of the Asian continent is now in a single cooperative agreement - a confederation of independent nations. They are training their military together. They discuss a common stance towards other organizations - like NATO.

So China and Russia are the two big heavy hitters. Iran is being considered for membership and SCO members are watching how the Nuclear issue in Iran plays out. If Iran gets the bomb, they are virtually assured membership in SCO. Interestingly, India is also considering membership but only as an "observer" status.

So Russia exerts power towards Europe, China exerts power towards the Far East, and Iran exerts power over the Middle East. This arrangement would be more powerful than the old Soviet Union.

So here we are, watching Russia escalate things in Georgia. Yes, Georgia started this round but they were arguably provoked and Russia is certainly taking this well past the disputed territory and into Georgia itself. Now the Ukraine is weighting in and saying that they are going to shut the Russian Navy out its ports if Russia continues down this path. Now it is two pro-West, former Soviet republics seeking NATO membership that are standing up to Russia.

The U.S. can't get too involved because we need Russian support against Iran, which I don't think we will ever fully get since Russia appears to want Iran in SCO and with the bomb to counter Israel.

Are we seeing the beginnings of the Second Cold War? Did the first one ever really stop?
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