My position

Started by pam, August 24, 2008, 09:29:46 AM

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I've made some posts today about my opinion of the devisive democrat vs. republican thing goin on. To all you republicans out there I mean no disrepect to when I said are their lips movin then they are probly lyin in resonse to another post. I was tryin to make a point.

That point is.... demonizin the other side is what got this country in the sad state it is in at the moment. The democrats are no more solely resonsible for this mess than the republicans are. All democrats are no more lazy bums lookin for a hand out than all republicans are hardworkin upright citizens. So come on quit with the grade school insults because of political party and open your eyes, it ain't gettin us anywhere. The guys that say we have to get our **** together and work for the common good are closer to the truth than the ones who say the other side has to do it my way or we ain't doin anything.

I like a good political discussion as much as the next person but come on, like it or not every person on here is one or the other or the 2 or 3 other parties and they are gonna take it as an insult when you say all democrats are lazy and stupid, or when you say all republicans are elitist snobs or whatever. You will be insulting them AND their ancestors most likely and most people, Me included don't take well to that. The Smith side of my family has been Democrat since FDR and I don't remember ANY of em being lazy OR stupid. My Moms side were republican and I remember them as being "good people" and I'm sure the rest of you feel the same way about your families whatever their political or religious views.

So I hope you all can see what I'm tryin to say and go from here. So have a nice day:)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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