The Depression Candidate

Started by Warph, August 07, 2008, 08:31:42 AM

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Someone should tell the Democrat Party Presidential candidate that the part of "The Joker" has already been filled in the latest "Batman" adventure. The messiah Barack Hussein Obama, it seems, thinks that the price of gas and the pinch Americans are feeling at the pump is a laughing matter.  There he was on the stump Tuesday making jokes about John McCain's wanting to drill for our oil; and of course his so-with-it crowd laughed along with Obama as he wondered where McCain was when he said we should drill here.  Obama brought the house down as he mocked McCain by proposing to his adoring crowd that Mr. McCain might have advocated "drilling here" as he stood in a building.  Ah yes.... hilarious, isn't he?  The single most pressing economic issue that is negatively impacting all Americans is fodder for laughter for Obama and his flock.

But Barack Hussein Obama was not done with his merriment.  This time, however, it was any sensible person's turn to laugh as Barry decided to make oil a demon and an enemy. Somehow, in his twisted socialist thought process, he thinks it's necessary to make oil, the fuel of the economic engine of the world, just disappear in a few decades.   

Campaigning on Monday, he told a Michigan crowd that we must "end the age of oil in our time".  What kind of mind thinks this can and should be done?  He is truly a frightening figure. His ego is astounding and is exceeded only by his obtuseness. How far the Democrat Party has fallen; how can they support this man for the Presidency?  For that matter, how can anyone else?

Rich Carroll has appropriately dubbed Obama the "Jihad Candidate."  I propose we add another appellation as he also deserves to be called the Depression Candidate.  A depression is what we will get – a real depression, not the media-created recession we have today - if this man obtains the White House and enacts his Socialist/Commie programs.  His populist "tax the rich" canard fools the hope and changers, but just a cursory look at his proposals reveals that we will all have to pay heavily for his Obama nation.

According to the Americans for Tax Reform, Mr. Obama has already proposed over $300 billion in new taxes that when added to existing taxes would inflate our tax bill to a staggering $800 billion, giving us the largest government growth in history. And that's just for American domestic programs. To get the full scope of this tax and spend madness, add the $850 billion he wants for Africa.

"The Wall Street Journal" calculates that Obama's tax schemes will add up to: 39.6 percent personal income tax; a 52.2 percent combined incomes and payroll tax; a 28 percent capital-gains tax; and a 39.6 percent dividends tax and a 55 percent estate tax.

This to pay for, among other things, Obama's socialized medicine plan ($65 billion) and his incomprehensible green energy plan. ($150 billion) The increased tax bill of an estimated $6800 per family will rest squarely on the shoulders of the middle class, not just the rich as Obama tells it, and every American who has a pension or savings or a 401-K plan will pay more taxes and have less disposable income.  An Obama presidency would be the knock-out punch for an already wobbly economy, leading us into a full scale depression that would take a decade for recovery.  As I stated above, Commie Barack Hussein Obama is a very frightening figure.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch on Capitol Hill, San Francisco treat Nancy Pelosi showed incredible contempt – even for her – for the will of the people and her fellow Congressional Members on the other side of the aisle.  Anxious to get her tax-paid G-5 to take her on her book tour, Pelosi defied the will of 75 percent of Americans who want expanded drilling here and now.  Comrade Pelosi ignored them and ignored the protests of Republicans and gaveled down (or was it a shoe?) this session of Congress so she and her useless, do-nothing cohorts could skip town for summer recess and avoid an up or down vote on domestic drilling.  Many Congressional Republicans have stayed on "The Hill" to try to get this issue resolved and have called upon the Democrats to return; as of yet, they have not.

This is the arrogance and elitist attitude of today's Democrat Party.  Three out of four Americans want to drill now and Pelosi grabs her gavel and goes home.  Incredible!  What a Bitch!  Tar and feathers anyone?  ....Warph
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I have the feathers ... if you have the tar.  ;)

You said it all right there Warph..
Facts.. Figures.........
The society we have built the last decade is a house of cards based on the shaky foundation of oil dependence, and spending next years money. Other than Obama thinking he is the next Christ...Figures show that he will bring higher taxes.  Bigger government.  Income redistribution.  Our RKBA (right to carry)  is going to be tested in ways far beyond what Heller will come down to.
  Most important, we have no reason to feel safe with Obama.  We can not set back and stay in our cotton filled world and think all is grand. We are in a definable war where some islamo-nut will get some nukes.  Lights one off on US soil and the loss of life will be horrendous ... but the loss of commerce will be catastrophic. I think we'll be more desensitized and far more vulnerable to loss.  We'll have a greatly diminished our ability to turn things around. Under his "leadership" ( and I use that term mildly...our enemies abroad will be stronger, much stronger, both in military prowess and economic strength.  The U.S. moral foundation will be further eroded.
"Merrily rebuilding" will be much more difficult to do under liberal leadership or following liberal leadership. 

WHY I ask you.. WHY, are the people eyes so blinded?

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