Convince me

Started by pam, August 06, 2008, 01:12:39 PM

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This is response to Pams' original post;

I will vote for Barack Obama because I am a democrat, and although I have never been the hard shelled kind of democrat and have as often as not crossed the party lines to vote my conscience. Here are my reasons why;

!. He is very intelligent, he graduated from Harvard at the top of his class and was awarded the pretigious presidency of the Harvard Law Review. The first black man to be awarded that honor.

2. He loves the constitution enough to teach it at Chicago University.

3. He loves Jesus Christ.

4. He respects women, especially his wife, mother, and grandmother. That translates into respect for me, just a woman from Kansas.

5. He has a gift that allows him to unite people; this can go a long way to solving the problems facing this country today.

6. He loves this country enough to ignore all the trash that is being hurled at him daily because of his skin color and his fathers' religion, and still persevere.

7. His communication abilities should be able to carry him far in international negotiations, a skill that is greatly needed with the world becoming smaller and smaller.

8. His ability to inspire and unite people should go a long way to uniting the races and cultures of this country.

9. I appreciate his willingness to negotiate to achieve what is best for all of us with the ecomomy and environment.

10. I appreciate his grasp of modern technology and his willingness to use it to his advantage, not just relying on others for the total story.

11. I appreciate his family values, and chiding the american people about turning off the tv and reading to your child and teaching them a foriegn language.

12 I appreciate that he is reticent to expand nuclear power since it is not yet clear what we can do with nuclear waste other than leaving it laying around for our grandchildren to deal with.

13. I appreciate the fact that he is willing to impose unpopular taxes to get us out of debt. Owing Communist China so we can fight a civil war that should never have been fought is not a star in the crown of the United States.

14. I appreciate that he has respect and caring for the elderly and disabled in this country.

15. I appreciate it that he shows respect for the military in this country. He never mentions John McCain without first thanking him for his military service. He serves on the veterans committee in the United States Senate.

16. I appreciate it that he admits his errors. In his speech on patriotism this summer, he talked about his own carelessness when he forgot to cross his heart during the National Anthem earlier in a primary appearance.

17. I agree that we need to concentrate on education in this country. We may indeed get buried with communism or socialism or anarchy if the children of today cannot speak or write a decent sentence. I recently read an article that tied successful education directly to economic recession. In other words when the thinkg power lessens, so does the earning power.

Do I think that Senator Obama is the greatest thing since sliced bread? In a word, no! I have fought long and dilligently here for the truth and have abhored the unnamed smears. I don't gossip about my neighbors either, I have seen what that can do first hand. I just hate to see someone smeared out of hate, and along the way, I found a pretty good democratic candidate! Vote Obama 08!


I like this thread. We can have a good political discussion. Thanks Pam and contributors.



Diane, recent political discussions in which I have embarrassed myself have prompted me to make some patches and upgrades to my political discussion software. This thread is the discussion I would be proud to have. Once I am sure the changes have taken hold I will participate. In the mean time I will read what those of you that already have the upgrade are saying.





Also Diane, I think I should hire you as my political speech writer. I would say that is a hot button issue that makes people go nuclear if you don't mind an expansion to your pun


Diane Amberg

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