The Jihad Candidate

Started by Teresa, August 05, 2008, 04:35:19 PM

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I appreciate the nice words in my favor.. and I thank those of you who circled around. .and I don't want to undermine the friendships and loyalty that I feel ......but ..facts are facts.
I posted my post..with the knowledge that there are those that are and will denounce it ..for whatever reason.
We are all individuals and we are not the same. So what is said in a post or in a reply takes on the chance that there will be rebuttals. And whether you are the rebuttle -E or the rebuttle-ER.. you better be able to stand against the sometimes force of the hurricane for
I don't think that any of us are immune to getting our feathers ruffled when we feel passionate about something and someone else debunks it. Whether you are talking about politics , religion, or how to raise your kids... if you voice your opinion, there will always be someone who doesn't agree. That is life. You can back down.. or can can stand your ground. Depends on how strong your belief is.
I took nothing said 'personal'.  Whether I agree with someone or not has no bearing if I like that person, or even if that person is a good kind and caring person.
Did I get a bit internally 'pissy"?  Yep..  :)
( But I have people I can vent to.. so I don't stay that way for too long)  ;D
e I feel so strongly about the future of our country...and to me.. the writing is so clearly written on the wall that we are a monkeys hair from possibly losing our freedoms, so I grab my sword and shield ( gun and bullets ;) )  and start to fight and survive the best way I know how.
It is the "healer/save everyone" syndrome I seem to carry within me.
I am trying to pound it into my own head that I need to learn to just back off and leave it all alone. Then I don't get myself all worked up and overwrought over something that I have no control over in the first place. But that is very hard for my personality type. :)

No need to walk on egg shells around me just because Kjell and I run this website.
I don't and have never lorded it over anyone or put us on any bigger rung on the ladder than anyone else in here. We all put our pants on the same way everyday...and we are all equals. 

Post and carry on my friends. ..........................And whatever you do, don't stop being honest in the way you feel.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, your last post is well stated and I agree with all of it. In my case I got a tunnel vision on one pet peeve that really is low on my list of important topics and posted something that was out of line. Your last post makes me know that we really are pretty much on the same page and I shouldn't be fighting with you but working with you.



I think the people of the United States should all be working together .as "people of the United States"..

If that makes me prejudiced.then so be it.

But I believe we are becoming a minority in our own country ..afraid to move sideways for fear of 'offending" someone from another country and their culture. Frankly I am sick and tired of it.
If they want to come here and live in America..then take on the American way. if they don't then they need to stay the hell in their own country and continue on with their cultures that is their way of life.
I don't want to take MY American way of life and live it in another country.. nor do I want my American way of life to be swallowed up and slowly disappear because  all of the "immigrants ( illegal and legal) that come over here and demand special treatment...while my traditions are stamped out. 
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: Teresa on August 07, 2008, 02:12:15 AM
I think the people of the United States should all be working together .as "people of the United States"..

If that makes me prejudiced.then so be it.

But I believe we are becoming a minority in our own country ..afraid to move sideways for fear of 'offending" someone from another country and their culture. Frankly I am sick and tired of it.
If they want to come here and live in America..then take on the American way. if they don't then they need to stay the hell in their own country and continue on with their cultures that is their way of life.
I don't want to take MY American way of life and live it in another country.. nor do I want my American way of life to be swallowed up and slowly disappear because  all of the "immigrants ( illegal and legal) that come over here and demand special treatment...while my traditions are stamped out. 
I heard on the TV this AM that the Caucasians are estimated to become the smallest minority in the US in the next 50 years.  I guess I didn't realize how prophetic my words were when I claimed that I was a dying breed! ::) :o


Quote from: Teresa on August 07, 2008, 02:12:15 AM
I think the people of the United States should all be working together .as "people of the United States"..

If that makes me prejudiced.then so be it.

But I believe we are becoming a minority in our own country ..afraid to move sideways for fear of 'offending" someone from another country and their culture. Frankly I am sick and tired of it.
If they want to come here and live in America..then take on the American way. if they don't then they need to stay the hell in their own country and continue on with their cultures that is their way of life.
I don't want to take MY American way of life and live it in another country.. nor do I want my American way of life to be swallowed up and slowly disappear because  all of the "immigrants ( illegal and legal) that come over here and demand special treatment...while my traditions are stamped out. 

LOL Teresa, I get into trouble all the time.  A good friend of mine says i am somewhat opinionated and speak my mind.  I have to watch myself sometimes around here in this area cause I am new to the area and considered a outsider, but i still lose it sometimes and go off about issues.  Kinda like yosimite sam.  rasufracu lol.

I am the type of person that calls a spade a spade and doesn't normally care if someone doesn't like it.  I know i haven't got a politically correct bone in my body and am old fashioned and a bit cheuvanistic.   I still open doors for ladies, and pull chairs for them when they sit down.  I still say yes ma'am when talking to a woman, and yes sir when talking to a elder man.  I never call my elders by their first name, only by Mr. or Mrs. so and so.  Its the respect i was taught being raised in Georgia, a southern thing i guess :)

I am 100 % bonafide American that is a decendent of croatian immigrants that came here in the 1800's.   I AM NOT A Croatian-American.  I AM A AMERICAN.  So i tend to go off on these folks that think they have to be Afro-americans or mexican-americans, or whatever ethnic variety you might be american.  Either your an American or your not.  Pick one.
When you immigrate to this country, and become an American, you swear loyalty and a oath to this Country.  You forsake your old country and disssolve all ties to it.  Its that simple.  Pick one country and go there!   :)
Be the best American you can be or be the Best mexican, african, indian, you can be in the country you choose to live in.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You had better check this out instead of just rejecting this.     

It goes right along with what is happening in England!

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