Gas Prices

Started by Teresa, July 10, 2006, 11:36:03 AM

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WHEN ...if ever... are these gas prices going to go down!!??!! >:(

Ok folks .. let me get this off my chest... ( or as Kjell says." Out of my chest)

When gas hit $1.90, we about had a heat attack. People were saying that they weren't going to take vacations and that they absolutely were not going to pay $2.00 a gallon. Something was going to have to be done!
Then all of a sudden it raises to $2.00 a gallon.   People grumbled, and paid it. ( we have no choice if we want gas)
Then it keeps creeping up and hits $2.19. People are freaking out, but we still pay it.
Then for awhile it drops a bit..
Then we see $2.29... then. ...Eeewww aren't we lucky... it drops back to $2.25. ( a price that most said that they would REFUSE to pay.

Then the price steadily raises bit by bit.... until it reaches $2.59!
The United States is outraged!  BUT~~~~~~~we still pay it.

Then you see a few gas wars at some pumps...selling it for, once again, the price that we swore we would never pay...  the $2.29!!
But we are just thrilled to pay that price now thinking it is a '"real bargain".

Now the prices are almost $3.00! And in some places have hit and past that mark.
Where is it going to end and how much can we the people of this crooked thievery take?
How long are we going to line the pockets of the government and gas and oil people? >:(

I for one, am tired of feeling like a puppet on a stringl.. dancing to the beat of whatever B*** S*** prices they hand us. 

What really irks me is that the government just keeps raising the prices and then keeps them there for a few weeks then drops them back again  "training and conditioning us"  to believe that as they raise and lower..and then raise again...and then lower again.. that we are getting a bargain when they lower it back to the price that was  highway robbery in the first place.
And people are excited as hell to pay the price that they swore that they would never pay in the first place!! :o

What a crooked gouging con scam game.!! >:(

Jeeeeezzeeee~~ It costs more to fill up my truck than it did to buy it. :-\

Does anybody feel as frustrated??
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


People still pay $1.15 for a 20 oz. bottle of water!!!!!

I know that gas seems expensive, but if you look at it compared to other things, it is actually priced accordingly.

Cars in the 80's vs. gas prices in the eighties. 

I know it seems bad, but we just got spoiled when the prices were too low in the mid to late 90's.  It is not the government that does it, it is the publics demand for the product.  If there was no demand, the price would fall to the floor.


That is NOT what I wanted to hear!


Sometimes I really believe that we should crash into a total depression and start over ...
I just don't know how long we will be able to withstand the overload that the US is having to endure.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Can't live without fossil fuels. Sad to admit but its true. New technologies that are being researched are going to be just as, if not more expensive than our oil hunger. People would rather pay for less while they can then jump to a more expensive form of energy that will at best slow the rise of gas prices. The best bet i can think of is purchasing an Ethanol vehicle. you can put e-10 in most vehicles that are 90's and newer. the best, e-85, can be run in specially equipped vehicles. Those prices ARE cheaper than our unleaded fuels. Another option is Diesel. VW makes several of their cars with diesel motors that get 50mpg. Not bad. Not going to help prices either but at least you get more for your dollar. I'm done...for now.


My parents were paying the equivalent of about $8.00 a litre when I went home in 2004 makes our $3.00 a gallon look a little better. :'(


Quote from: MarineMom on July 11, 2006, 05:08:11 AM
My parents were paying the equivalent of about $8.00 a litre when I went home in 2004 makes our $3.00 a gallon look a little better. :'(

Where is your home land, Marine Mom?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The Vikings (Norway) are paying $6.99 per gallon for unleaded these days. And Norway is one of the major oil producing countries in the world.  >:(



Quote from: Teresa on July 11, 2006, 11:27:41 AM

Where is your home land, Marine Mom?



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