Howard Appreciation Society

Started by dnalexander, August 03, 2008, 03:36:30 PM

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I have always said that all kids should grow up in the midwest and then spend their young adulthood in California. After that I think you have a good indication where you belong. My dad was an engineer and we always were moving around all over the country. I hated it at the time but the things I learned in the variety of places I lived has given me an appreciation for many things that I would never have experienced otherwise. I remember corn cob fights in the hay loft with only a little blood being drawn. Ah those were the days.



Quote from: pepelect on August 03, 2008, 06:15:13 PM

Blackberry brandy has  been replaced by Everclear and Red Bull.  There are no horse races at Howard. 

Well if i could ever find some blackberries i would make some :P  Everclear??  ewwwwww give me good ole goldengrain or kentucky 200 proof :P

I do however have my eye on a ton of elderberries.  Mmmmm

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: pepelect on August 03, 2008, 06:15:13 PM
  There are no horse races at Howard. 

Pepelect if I remember correctly these horse races were at the fair grounds on a track ( not a conventional horse racing track like the Kentucky Derby) and the betting was cash on the table. Too bad you don't have any rodeo queens any more that is one of the things that make America; America. I am going to our county fair\rode next week here in California and I think we could probably spare a few rodeo queens for my favorite town in Kansas. (oh and I don't mean the kind of queens we have in San Francisco, excuse my political incorrectness). I love a California girl in a cowboy hat.


Diane Amberg

I think Tobina and Teresa would make great rodeo queens. Tobina representing now, and Teresa the 1800s...the clothes!...not the age! Be nice!!!

Rudy Taylor

David, I can tell you from experience that all towns in rural America have suffered greatly since the 1960s and 70s.

I personally live in Caney where almost every downtown store has closed. It's really sad.

I've often said the greatest calamity in America is the demise of really small towns.  Howard, Moline, Sedan, Longton --- all are feeling the pangs of economic squeezing.  Infrastructure is failing everywhere such as bridges, roads, downtown buildings.

A personal observation here: There is an overall lack of pride in many of these small towns, and I'm certainly not picking on Howard here.  It's the same with my hometown and every other small berg in rural Kansas. And, of course, the greatest asset we've lost has been our young people.  We do a good job of raising them, instilling a good values system in their hearts, providing them with a good education at the local level, but we must wave good-bye to them when then want to find good jobs with benefits.

I have chosen to live and work in these small towns because I love them. I see such value in them --- and in the people who live in them. But if you haven't visited Elk County since the 70's, you'd be well advised to take a good, deep breath before you hit the city limits.

We're still here --- but it's waaaaaay different from what you remember.

And, believe it not, some of it is actually better.

My advice is head straight to Batson's Drug. Then have lunch at Poplar's Pizza. Those two places have made a positive impact upon Howard over the past few years. If you look around with a good attitude, as many in our midst have done, you'll find a wonderful community awaiting you.

It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

Then have a fudge monkey at Toots. ;)


I take great exception to the fact that there is not pride left if rural America.  I think any body who thinks differently should continue shopping at Walmart and order their drugs from internet.  Canada drugs are just as good.  But can Bentonville hold your check till payday?  Doen't Dillions charge for you organizations fund raiser goods?

I think all small towns are the victum of small town people.  We want every thing every body else has except the things that big city life brings.   The highway that takes you out of town should bring two or three back with you when you return.   If while you are shopping out of town just ask the saleperson how much over the product price you can write the check for and please send any extra money to me in care of "Just trying to get small town press"



I agree wholeheartedly with Rudy's observation about community pride.  Refer to my original posts on the Elk Konnected thread in Coffee Shop.  The survey that was handed out to all the communties in Elk County and Severy show the amount of pride in each community and how much pride they have for their county.  The lack of pride is staggering!  Even Moline, who was the only town who ranked above 50% positive answers for city pride, only had 58%.  And overall pride for the county was a whopping 27%!!  It's no wonder we can't attract any new people or have enough pride to encourage our young people to come back and live.
Yes, PEP, there are those of us who are proud of where we came from and where we live now.  And there are those of us who support locally just to support locally.  But we need to figure out a way to encourage that in others.  Some people need to be led by example.  Having community supporting groups out there being active and getting results done and being spotlighted in the newspaper are helping that example.  And we just need to keep up the momentum! 


I appreciate all the comments even the gloomier ones I find it very interesting yet very sad. If you notice the title I was hoping for maybe some of the positive things and pictures. I know there must be some many of you live there now. Feel free to post anything good or bad it helps me paint my mental picture, but I was hoping for the good things.


momof 2boys

I grew up in Howard, and had a great childhood.  Riding bicycles around town, going into Batson's for an ice cream cone, summers at the swimming pool, couldn't wait for the fair and carnival, running up the hill to see Grandma Lillian and ride horses, playing kick ball with the neighbor boys, and of course times of being absolutely bored.

I now live in Howard as an adult and watch my children go for bike rides, go to Batson's for ice cream, spend their days at the pool, they don't have any interest in the fair as there is no carnival, instead of running up the hill to see their Grandma Kay they run down the hill, there are no horses for them to ride either, summer evenings for them consist of whiffle ball games with the neighbor boys. 
Oh yeah, they are absolutely bored at times also.

So it would seem that although many things change, a lot still stays the same. 

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