'Dream Ticket' Meets Reality: Obama Looks Beyond Clinton

Started by Warph, August 01, 2008, 12:46:24 AM

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'Dream Ticket' Meets Reality: Obama Looks Beyond Clinton

Hillary Supporters Angered as Democrat Considers Other Women for Vice President

July 31, 2008

Some supporters of Hillary Clinton are voicing anger that Barack Obama may choose another woman for his vice presidential running mate.

Rumors that other high profile women politicians -- such as two-term Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and first-term Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill -- are fueling a backlash of sorts from some of Clinton's most ardent supporters.

"Hillary Clinton in not a political lego block, easily replaced by another woman candidate," Allida Black, a former Clinton national fundraising committee member, told ABCNews.com Thursday.

"Governor Sebelius, while a good leader for Kansas, is not, in any way, an acceptable substitute for Senator Clinton," said Black, who is also director of the Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project at George Washington University.

"Women voters know this," Black said. "Hillary is not interchangeable."

"Here she is a candidate that received more votes than anyone in primary history and why would he discard her for another woman vice president; that would be insulting," said Democrat Will Bower, co-founder of PUMA, which stands for Party Unity My A$$, a Washington, D.C.- based group urging Clinton to fight for the nomination all the way to the party's Denver convention in August.
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"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

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