Why Are You a Republican/Democrat?

Started by Wilma, July 31, 2008, 04:04:31 PM

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Warph, I took yours and several others that have been posted here. I also, took some that I found. How come none of them have my exact answer to the question. I think they are all flawed. I have come out liberal, Neo-Liberal, Centrist, Anarchist, and aligned with Colin Powell. I'll take centrist and Colin Powell. I know I am Liberal on several topics but I like small government, free market capitalism, and individual rights. I thought that was Republican. I guess some of that California liberalism is bound to seep in after all these years since we only have Democrats running in my area. I will take the middle road and vote for what I think is best for me and the country. Maybe I am a liberal Republican or a Regan Democrat, I hate labels. Maybe I am an Anarchist???????



CATWOMAN, it is on the first page of this thread and yes that is what he said. I guess you haven't been in the CATNIP anyway.


CAT did you find it, it is at thebottom of page one of this thread. That is where he accused me of being a Republican, and I guess I can't hide it any longer.


Oh, Frank, sweetie...it was bound to come out sometime...LOL. ::)  I'm so grateful to know that the posting is there on page one...I was beginning to think that I was losing it! (OK, y'all...no comments on the obvious!)


Quote from: frawin on August 01, 2008, 08:33:27 PM
CAT did you find it, it is at thebottom of page one of this thread. That is where he accused me of being a Republican, and I guess I can't hide it any longer.
Hidden?  Could have fooled me.  I've known you were a republican for quite a while, but makes no matter to me. 


Catwoman, you remind me of my black cat named Lucky. She is oh so mysterious and aloof. Just when you think you know what she is thinking she throws you a curve. I am on my guard most when it seems she doesn't know what is going on. I know behind those piercing green eyes and twitching tail is a mind two moves ahead of mine. Kansas Boy also knows not to test the feminine whiles of the queen of the house.



Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...there's nothing this cat loves more than a good ol' Kansas Boy!  ;)


UUhhhhh---- CW, Kansas Boy is the dog in Davids' avatar. LOL!  :D


SDM, I think we all know that. ;) Innuendo is part of the cat's psyche. :o


SDM...I was complimenting the dog, because the man's wife might have gone ballistic if I had complimented the master!!! :o :o  You see, we cats make it a point to never get on the business end of a rifle!

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