Not Here's and Left Here's: What would make you move to Elk County?

Started by Tobina+1, July 30, 2008, 02:06:02 PM

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You're not joking, Rudy!  I was excited to see that there were 19 replies... and then I read them.
So, Flint/Charlie/Upchuck... you never did tell what would bring you back to EK?  What type of business would need to be here to keep you from driving 45 miles to work?  And if we could snap our fingers and it would be here, would you immediately move?  What are other things?  You mentioned a house?

There's a few "free land" programs around Kansas.  Has anyone thought of doing that in EK?  I don't know much information, like where they got the land to give away, but in the town I grew up in you have to start building a house within a year to get the free land.  In another town, I think you have to start a business within a year to qualify for the free land.


Good thread Tobina,

I feel that housing is a real problem in our communities, or the lack of it.  The people that we are trying to attract have little desire for a 30K dollar 2 bed 1 bath fixer-upper. 

Patrick had some excellent points about some of the attractions to here.  Low Crime, great schools, friendly people, everyone is helpful, and overall a slower pace of life.

A big problem stated is jobs, of which there are few of, but it is a difficult sell to a company, even a small one, to relocate here with the labor pool that is available here.  With jobs, it would be a great advertisement and draw for people, but then where would they live?

Sorry, I catch myself rambling in my own mind and my inability to get the thought across typing is maddening.  I will regroup and post later.

Dan Out

Judy Harder

Quote from: Rudy Taylor on July 31, 2008, 07:06:30 AM
On a good day,  there's enough wind power on our forum to power every town in the county.

Who needs those big windmills?

Rudy you are so right. I have just been laughing out loud at these guys and can't wait to see what is next.

I am not one of the shakers or doers and really haven't any ideas about how to get more people here.
I do know that for the most part I don't want to see too much change around here......the rural life and the ranch/farm
turf is pretty much why I am still the slowness of the area.

I do agree that we need jobs to KEEP the people here. Plus better housing. The town of Longton is in the process of getting rid of the unsightly houses around here. I don't know all the stats to tell how that is going. I haven't been to a counsil meeting.
nor talked to the mayor for awhile.

Keep up the good work of improving the county and come on down to the fair. That is where I will be the rest of the day.
Hope the heat stays down.

Have a good day. Judy
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Now, let's see. I thought about this for a while and now I'll respond. I'd have to be 20 years younger and have the energy to restore one of the big Victorians or completely redo and add on to one of the little ones...I like lots of space. I'd want water to not be an issue, and I'm not into cisterns. I like a more moderate climate. The big fire house and teaching center would be great. I'd like to see a healthier business climate. I love the people, the atmosphere, the scenic beauty and the slower pace of life. I love the beef, but I'd sure miss the fresh seafood, the ocean and the real cheese steaks and Capriotti's subs.


Tobina, I apologize for all the fluff on this thread.  I did try to bring it back on subject,

Quote from: Flintauqua on July 30, 2008, 08:37:33 PM
We seem to have strayed from Tobina's original topic.  It is an important topic, because I never thought I'd leave Elk County, but I did.  And I would like to come back, but there really is nothing for I and Angie to make a living at without driving 45 miles (or more) one way.

but you never know where Pat and I's witty banter will manifest itself.

Seriously, you have created an important thread here.  A community needs to know what's wrong, what's right, what to change, and what to never touch.  I believe what you may be striving for here is an informal SWAT analysis.  I am glad that you and many other like-minded individuals have stepped up to the plate to not only help create a vision and action plan for the area, but to actually put that plan into action.

I will go into more detail, but it will have to be next week, as I and my lovely wife are gettting ready to take a few days off from the daily grind.


No worries!  I enjoy the banter!  You just said enough in one of your earlier posts that intrigued me, so I'm anxious for you to really state your thoughts on what would could make you move back to the area.  Then you can banter with PEP in person!  Ha!

Diane Amberg


Diane...No one could ever call you mere 'fluff'!  I would save that moniker for someone else who just goes with what the majority would say!


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