Howard Old Bank Building - What would you like done with it.....

Started by L Hendricks, July 29, 2008, 07:02:09 PM

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Quote from: lola330 on October 29, 2008, 02:09:34 PM
The owners of the bank building are Tom and Myra Devlin.  They have stated that whatever the community wants they are willing to pay the "lion's share" of expenses.  (That is a direct quote)  I am sure if an elevator is needed, one would be provided.

Tom and Myra Devlin are responsible for the Piedmont gymnasium being renovated so that it can be used.  They and donations and a lot of volunteers.  It used to have to be scrubbed before anything could be held there.  Now the pigeon poo is gone and the building is reasonably comfortable altho not air conditioned or heated.

We do need more prominent signs on the highway and I am still missing the sign that listed the churches in town.  I don't know how long it has been gone.  There is nothing out there to entice a tourist into downtown.


Ah, but there are people who sell scrapbooking supplies who might want to have some things in a retail shop.  Or there may be a guy who wants to sell a few cigars, but can't afford building of his own.  A retail shop could combine all these things into one.  You could sell your bread there, Devyn!  Joanna can sell her picalilly (still don't know what that is).  Teresa could do her massages in the back and her grandkids could finally have a room to sleep in!   ;)


Very true Tobina. I was just on a rant and thinking at the same time. I did purchase a very expensive Cricut machine for scrapbooking - you can make personal stickers and many other things...I could sell those!!

Speaking of bread - yours smells so delicious right now it's making my stomach rumble.

I would also like to see more apparel offered in Howard. A small western wear shop possibly. I know we can't cater to everyone's styles but I think the majority of our population would like to buy a good pair of jeans and boots locally.


 ;D ;D ;D don't know what picalilly is?  You were born in the wrong age.  Now days they probably call all that sort of thing "relish".


CRICUT???  Oh, you're my new best friend...   ;D  I haven't been dedicated to scrapbooking enough lately to justify one of those.  OK, I haven't been dedicated AT ALL.  When winter rolls around I get better, but rubber stamping is more my flavor.  But those Cricuts are fun, for sure!

I digress... anyway, there are possibilities for the bank building, for sure.  I think there are so many needs/wants in Howard right now, that it's hard to narrow it down.  I've never been inside that building, either.  It may be well-suited for a certain type of business without doing a lot of work (I know, a BANK! Hahaha!).  Another thing that comes to mind, is a upper-end antique store.  It seems that towns with lots of antique stores seem to do well and other downtown businesses thrive, too.  People will take weekend drives to visit antique stores. 

Relish, Flo?  The relish I eat is from sweet pickles.  I'm intrigued...


Very true! My mother loves going down south to Caney on the weekends to the antique shops. I think Sedan has such a lovely main street. There are so many awesome shops...I can only go so often, otherwise I come home with an empty wallet.

I just got the Cricut actually and it's my new best friend. Billy has to yell at me to come out of the sewing room for family time. It's very fun and user friendly. I invested in one because I'm doing scrapbooks for Lane every year he's in school. We also have a family scrapbook. I have never really gotten into rubber stamping, but I do a lot of punch outs. Those little things are expensive! ANYHOW, I'm off subject.

Maybe there should be a poll about the old bank building sent out to citizens, or picked up at public places.


I would have to say that Severy has the monopoly on the sewing notions and quilting supplies.   If you can't find them there you don't need them.   

Don't build a clothing store yet.....Mill Feed and supply super center is about to open and they are going to offer western clothes.  Work shirts, hats, etc.....Cool furniture for your porch.....

I would like to see something to capture the hunting and fishing crowd that swarms here every year.  Or better yet something that appeals to the wives of the hunter/fishermen so that they will make the trip also.  Or in the reverse case the husband will go along with the wife as she shoots.....(Sorry T for being so.....well you know)

I would like to see some of the local craftsmen, whose work is sought after regionally, showcased.  Ie  John Ed Robertson, C&O, Mike Hall, Verlon Saxton, Mark Zellner, Ron Johnson, Chad, Bob, John Gray, to just name a few... These are but a few of the local guys that fill a specialized trade niche and have some pretty awesome talents. 

Need a place to ask where to get things done.  Basicly what Kay and Becky do over at the office.   On stop shopping.  If you need a bass boat.  We know who to call.  If you need fencing we will get back to you on that also.  Drain stopped up.   Call one of our plumbers  and here is the number.   Need a tire fixed.....Want some used shoes to go to the lake?!..   Where do I get a fishing license?  Do I need a map to find the walk in hunting area?   What do the purple posts mean?   Where can I pee?

I have the opposite opinion about businesses moving to the new place.  It will free up the older cheaper to buy/rent places for new business.   We do have some pressing needs.

How about a Liquor store.........lumber yard........Clothes store......Antique store.....Office supply.......Electronics for home, car audio, and just noise.....Durable medical goods........Leather shop with boots, tack, biker clothes..........Small engine repair.......Auto repair.........A decent priced prompt electrician....Toy store......Hubble rubble repair shop.......Barbershop with the cool pole........Graphics design studio......Artists loft...... A  T  M ....Weight room.....Apartment complex.....Bicycle shop........A bar that is open every night......


Quote from: pepelect on October 29, 2008, 07:05:46 PM
...Need a place to ask where to get things done.  Basicly what Kay and Becky do over at the office.   On stop shopping.  If you need a bass boat.  We know who to call.  If you need fencing we will get back to you on that also.  Drain stopped up.   Call one of our plumbers  and here is the number.   Need a tire fixed.....Want some used shoes to go to the lake?!..   Where do I get a fishing license?  Do I need a map to find the walk in hunting area?   What do the purple posts mean?   Where can I pee?...

Ha!  That's what I used the Forum for when I came to town  8)   Still do!
I'm glad to see so many suggestions.
I like some of the ideas really well, some not so much...  I guess that's what diversity is all about.  ;D


We really really need a boot repair shop, to resole and do leather work on those favorite boots that you hate to throw away..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: lola330 on October 29, 2008, 01:26:22 PM
If people who already have offices in town move to the old bank building and form an office complex, then main street will look worse, not better.  What we will have more empty storefronts filled with crap, unattended targets for rock throwing and pigeon poop. 

What should happen if and when the bank building begins to be saved is that everyone else on main street should be motivated to improve their storefronts.  There is a lot of deferred maintenance already occurring on main street.  In addition, there  are currently  buildings on main street that are left to sit unoccupied until the roofs cave in and the windows are broken, the floors warp and walls buckle.  It goes beyond simple renovation.  Some of those buildings should be condemned.  Who can afford to come in and perform all the repairs and updates necessary to start a small business in town?  The last thing we need is another empty storefront on main street.

We need to offer a service that people currently go out of town to receive.  We need to cater to families and their needs and budgets.  We don't need a professional level kitchen.  Go to the Cox building if you need space with a kitchen.   You can rent the elementary schools for space and a kitchen. 

A wellness center would not need a person there all the time if people paid an annual fee and received a key card.  A youth center downstairs and a wellness center upstairs would be awesome.  A youth center could be operated on weekends or some evenings by volunteers or a part-time employee.
If downtown revitalization is what you're after, then you need to get in a planner who has experience with not only seeking the grants to facilitate that revitalization effort but also the vision to steer you all in the right direction on getting all of your hopes and dreams accomplished.  A grass roots effort is nice but not sufficient to bring you the type advancement that you need in order to keep your downtown from dying further.  Moline faces the same quandry as Howard.  Perhaps, if the two towns were to go together to hire someone, you might have better luck.

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