Howard Old Bank Building - What would you like done with it.....

Started by L Hendricks, July 29, 2008, 07:02:09 PM

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Our closest elevator company is Wichita, KC, Tulsa, or beyond.  They charge trip charges to even reset the breaker after a lighning strike.  Then you have to wait two weeks for the tech to be there. 

I love my job... I am a bag boy now.  Electrican's work out in the heat and have to get into attics... I am too fat for crawlspaces and can't find small helpers...that can also cut meat, pen cattle, haul round bales, feed the kids, wash the dog.   

It doesn't pay very well but at least I get to eat all the icecream screwups and mikshake overflows.   

Diane Amberg

So you are a very multi talented person... :laugh:  just like every  Kansas person I've ever known!


I bet Patrick, you can mix a mean cherry limeade as well.

Has anyone thought of how some of the buildings in New Orleans were refurbished/repaired?  This goes for both the old bank building as well as the old school.  I will admit I haven't been home in a while, so I can't say I know a lot about it, but with the state that the school is in maybe some company that did repairs in New Orleans would have advice to offer.  I didn't want to vote because I don't live and pay taxes there but I did love Howard so much while there and you guys have to gems in your hands.  I honestly believe it would be a shame to lose either one.


Jo McDonald

Oh PEP -- to be multi-talented like you is indeed a gift from above.
Hang tight, our native son, there is a job for you out there, and you will be recognized.


I recognized him just this morning.  He was standing at the meat slicer just slicing away at a hunk of cheese.  Yesterday I recognized him as he popped up from behind the pharmacy counter with a nail, of all things, in his hand.  Something about that was what was holding up the PC shelf and discussing whether or not that was the correct way to build a shelf.   ;D


What if we put a set of floodlights pointing up to the sky on the roof...  It would be like a beacon bring down incoming air traffic headed to the Beaumont Hotel.   If we get RED BULL to sponsor an event we could utilize the wind towers as they are being built.  We might need to bury some wires under washington and trim some trees back but that is half of the counties resposibility anyway.    It is almost a mile from Cherry to 99.   You might have to go around a tractor or lawnmower during the taxi to the chow line.   Aren't we getting new lights from Westar for Wabash...couldn't we just put little marker lights on the top.   Where are those new lights going to be installed?  We are a little far from a major trauma center but we have a state of the art funeral home to soften the blow of a pilot misscalculation.

I hope that the road to 400 is lined with cars trying to see what is going on in Howard in a few years.   There is still going to be a need to provide them something to do while here.   Golf course/field hockey.   It would provide spectators entertainment while giving cowboys something to do between shipping in and shipping out bovine.  It could be played at the same time to further incease the chance of someone pulling a steer wrestling move on a double bogey attempt on the last put. 

How do we get intouch with NASCAR?


WOW !!! Pepelect.  One word---"decaf".  Good to see someone with ideas flowing, kinda free form ideas at that!

I understand what L. Hendricks means by "selling" to Howard Historic Building LLC.  However, any size group of people can belong to an LLC, including the Blacks and the many hats/cattle people.  One person may be in charge of managing the LLC.

Does anyone know what the Howard Historic Building LLC has already considered in regards to the building or what kind of budget there is?  Is there a time frame for the proposed project?  Is the money investment/renovation  a one-time deal or will the LLC continue to be involved financially?  Is this a profit or non-profit endeavor?   

Or maybe this is just brainstorming at this stage. 

I like the idea of rollerskating and bowling too.  I don't think we'll have to put in a runway for that, though.

Rudy Taylor

Ditto, Frank.

Few small towns have so much input from younger people.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Quote from: pepelect on August 03, 2008, 10:13:42 AMHow do we get intouch with NASCAR?

I've always wanted to have a go kart track around here, that would be a lot of fun. ;D

Diane Amberg

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