Howard Old Bank Building - What would you like done with it.....

Started by L Hendricks, July 29, 2008, 07:02:09 PM

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It might be a good idea to have a close look at Sedan before going with an upscale anything. Even with a years free lease, there have been many businesses going the in/out road. If there is a business, it needs to be one that can be a success.


I vote for coffee/internet shop!  My home office is getting boring and I need a change of pace.  And Dr. Kate needs a place to "borrow" faster internet other than sitting outside of the grocery store at odd hours of the night (now you know you're not alone... PEP is lurking within posting feverishly on the Forum).

I think a B&B would be nice upstairs; either for hunters, family, friends, and passers-by?


I agree with David that it would need to be a "destination" restaurant and the addition of rooms for stay-over guests would make it all the more appealing. It wouldn't need to compete with Poplar's if it offered different menu items (prime rib, seafood...or strictly Italian foods ... mmm!) I also agree with Henry that limiting the number of hours the restaurant is in operation would help with overhead. Good management is key to restauranteering, and if the new building owners have experience in that area, they'll know how to keep the doors open.

I also vote for no more museums (and is there any way we can convince the current museum owners to have regular hours open to the public? I'm told there are some wonderful things in all those buildings, but if no one can see them, what's the point?)

W. Gray

The Moline Shaffer House museum has regular hours during the summer, something like three days a week during the morning.

I showed up one day during those hours and the place was locked.

At a later date, the lady explained that people very seldom showed up and the person who was supposed to open that day just stayed home. I was the only visitor that day.

When I went to the Moline museum, I was looking for a specific item. The lady said she had no information on the item and did not know where it might be.

I combed the place and finally found it on the second floor: a night stand from the Boston Hotel.

As for the Benson Museum, I have called twice and someone came both times and let me in for as long as I needed.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Another use for that building would be not only a hotel/food combo but also an outlet for Kansas raised an artisan cheese factory, made with Sarah's goat milk.  Just a thought!


I just hope the new owners of the building have some deep pockets.  I worked with the previous owner of the building about seven years ago, drawing out plans for lodging, dining, day spa, etc.  Previous owner was most definitely "all hat, no cattle".

I'm curious on one thing though.  Do the new owners have both the bank building and the one connected to it to the south?  They are two different buildings, on two different lots, and the elevations of the floors of the two do not match up.


First of all, who are the new owners?  I saw in the paper that Bob Black bought the property.  Are the Black's wondering what to do with the building? 

Secondly, why not consider what the town needs, something that does not already exist.

A  hotel with a coffee shop would be a good idea.  How about a bed and breakfast with a coffeeshop and bakery? 

Or why not address the youth's needs in this town.  Families might consider moving here if there were more youth activities.  What about a youth recreation center that could have a safe place for kids to gather for movies, video games, music etc.  In the summer it could offer sports, crafts, bus trips etc for children.  There could be after school programs as well.  Consider also gymnastics, karate, aerobics, dance.   How about a children's museum.  Many place have very cool museums that have a variety of  activities for families.  Check out the St. Louis Children's museum, for example.

I also love the idea of a bookstore/coffee shop.  A wide variety of printed materials could be available, from newspapers, magazines, books, Christian reading, and a children's section for story telling and crafts.  Also consider that crafts, gifts, postcards, souveniers and products made locally and in KS could be featured. Local poets and authors could give talks and workshops.   Tours of local and nearby attractions could be arranged here as well.

How about a place to go to hear good music and have a drink without having your eyeballs burned out by cigarette smoke?

What about  photography studio?   

Why not a fancy pet spa that provides bathing, grooming, boarding, etc?  Or a nice do-it-yourself doggie wash with elevated tubs, cushy towels, doggie shampoo etc.

What about a bakery?  A meat market?  Apartments/condos? 

Just wonderin'.



Quote from: lola330 on July 30, 2008, 06:20:02 PM
...why not consider what the town needs, something that does not already exist. ...
I think that's what they are asking in the post.   

I love the idea of an internet cafe - sandwich shop - bakery - barber shop - photog. studio - but I really like that "do it yourself doggie wash!  How great would that be!  I also like the idea of workshops, but not just for kids... some of us adults haven't learned everything we're wondering about yet either! (Just how would you go about making cheese? or starting a mushroom farm?)

My husband has talked about a "shared" building where it would have a central reception area with a full time secretary ( or whatever is the politically correct term this month).  That person could answer phones for all the offices when needed, take messages when the folks were out and direct callers/shoppers to the correct place.  Hey!  They could be a big help to our community, local chamber, businesses, museums, etc if they just kept a handy list close to the phone of contact numbers to give out!
If there were a retail shop, it wouldn't be unreasonable for that same staff to handle reception with their other duties.  I've seen this work personally! The rent for respective businesses in the building could include a small charge for this convenience, and even some of the other businesses in town might benefit from an answering service who could field calls when needed.

We have some beautiful museums in town, really!  But there are several already. I think we need some other type businesses to help back-up that attraction, not make more museums on Main Street. That's just my opinion though.

Quote from: lola330 on July 30, 2008, 06:20:02 PM
... How about a place to go to hear good music and have a drink without having your eyeballs burned out by cigarette smoke? ...
Whoo!  I'll be there!


mY mOTHER AND  I drove up to Eureka to eat at a little Tea Room
many times!

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