Howard Old Bank Building - What would you like done with it.....

Started by L Hendricks, July 29, 2008, 07:02:09 PM

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L Hendricks

This afternoon I ran into the new owners of the ole Howard Bank Building that sits on the corner of Wabash and Washington... they are very interested in what the community would like done with that building in the way of restoring it and putting something, anything, in it to benefit the community.  I told them I would post it on the forum and see what ideas you all could generate... so let the creative juices flow again....




It's probably a long-shot because of the costs involved, but I think it would make a great restaurant and hotel. A place for a nice steak dinner or special occasion meal. Not too pricey, but a place where you wear some dress-up clothes and spend an evening out. Supper club with live music, a cocktail bar, that sort of thing. Plus, we can't have too many places for out-of-towners to stay.

OK, I don't actually have a closet full of dress-up clothes, and Hubby and I have only been to that sort of restaurant a handful of times in seven years, but.....perhaps it's a niche that can be filled that would draw people from other counties as well as serve the community's needs.

Tobina posted in another thread quite some time ago about how neat it would be to have a coffee bar with wireless internet, pastries/sandwiches, and the like. That might be nice, too.

A moderately-priced clothing store (so folks don't have to travel so far to buy new jeans or a dress or school clothes or undies!)

No matter what sort of business goes into it, it would need to meet ADA requirements, which I doubt the building currently does.

Lots of fun possibilities, and it's exciting to imagine that wonderful building once again used for a good purpose.


I would suggest a restaurant/hotel combo, with the restaurant specializing in range-fed, organically raised beef and pork (which would be sent out in frozen form via the internet to those discerning culinary patrons of this gastronomic delight), with a limo to pick up those fashionistas who would fly into the Moline air strip in order to have supper (by previoius arrangement through the concierge (sp??), of course).  The hotel would be done in an ecclectic, neo-American style and would have water features located in the exterior and interior lobbies/entrances.  The lighting would be subdued, to further enhance the ambience as the patrons would be escorted to their seats by an impeccably-dressed young man or woman of the local gentry.  The patrons would be treated to the musical stylings of a guitarist or pianist, doing either subtle jazz or tunes from the 20's through the 40's.  As the patrons would be done with their repast, they would stand in groggy, satiated fashion and wander amiably through the rooms of the hotel, oohing and ahhhhing over the wonderful antiques and primitives bolted securely to the floor so that they don't walk out the door unnoticed.  Finally, they would climb ever so wearily the stairs leading to their own private chambers, complete with a stocked bar and hot tub, to let the troubles of their rarified existence be soothed away by the soothing hands of the resident massage therapist and enjoy the unencumbered feel of their stay.  The next day, they hand over their well-earned dough and count it as monies well spent.  Where does the money come from for all of the embellishments?  Don't confuse me with details!     


Cowboy bunkhouse and a Hayes house in Council Grove old west type restaurant.  Vintage looking fixtures, large height ceilings with tin ceilings.  Fix the finials and windows throughout the building.   

Add more usable space by building south in to the vacant lot.   
Perhaps a small theater/meeting room for movies, overhead projection, or community civic organizations to use for meetings. 
Modular design to accommodate large groups or small board meetings. 
Large enough for tour bus stops. 
Have local stables available for travelling equine.

Market with  Red Buffalo or other local attractions  to maybe use the rural tourism in Sedan and surrounding areas to have more a regional draw.  Tap in to the traffic going to Branson/Springfield, MO.  Utilize the hunting and fishing contacts to offer shoots, tournaments, and trophy hunts.

Build a golf course north of town....Then we would need a club house.


I guess it would depend on the new owners vision for the building.  What are their hopes for it?


Benson Museum would be nice; it would free up retail space on Main street and marry up the museum to its' other half across the street.

L Hendricks

Great ideas so far... keep them coming... The new owners really want to restore it and make it something the community can use and/or needs.  They mentioned hooking up with the Sedan bunch and getting tour buses to stop here... lodging was mentioned.... The last time I was in the building which was probably 4 years ago... there is a huge area in the basement... was very wet at the time... then of course the main floor where the bank vault is still in place (or was)... the back end was turned in to living quarters with a loft (what used to be a dr office)... Upstairs was several large room with a hallway leading to the outside stairway, but there is also a stair way inside... ADA is always a consideration... someone mentioned marketing local beef - don't know about grass fed (some of the locals don't like the taste) and seeing if Mike Hall would showcase his furniture or maybe local artists could display theirs in a gift shop atmosphere...

a cultural center is another idea... places to take art classes for all, etc...

Well let's here from some more - I am sure there are more good ideas out there...


I think a hotel/restaurant is a good ideal,keeping in mind the hunters that come from out of town. As it is right now they really have no where to stay. A hotel would keep them coming back every year and would increase the revenue in Howard.
Army Mom


Jane, I like your idea the best of any I have seen. I question if there would be enough year around business to support 3 eating establishments in Howard, also if there is enough year around lodging needs to support it. In any case it is exciting and encouraging to see all of the posts about the Old Howard National Bank Building, the Grade School and other discussions of Howards Future. I am encouraged and ompressed by the young people I see involved, Dan Cookson, Mark Hall, Patrick Perkins, Liz Hendricks, and others are very confident, forward looking and dedicated to the area.

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