Longton Free Fair

Started by pepelect, July 28, 2008, 06:52:02 PM

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 :D  Should I start in on the Free part first..... The Longton part........ or the fair..........

Please take the fair.   I would pay someone to just take the stupid thing so that we can get over it and start working towards something positive.   

Free ..... the other fair hasn't charged since I was 12.   So get over it.  If they did charge who would pay to see it?

Longton you have a great tight nit community thriving with gogetters and have to potential to have the best fair in the state.   I think you show the rest of the state how to put on a bean feed. 

I have one question where are all the deer that you are the capitol of?   I have never hit one in the Longton area but have replace 4 radiators out west of town.  Grill guards only give them air to take out your windshield.


Quote from: pepelect on July 28, 2008, 06:52:02 PM

I have one question where are all the deer that you are the capitol of?   I have never hit one in the Longton area but have replace 4 radiators out west of town.  Grill guards only give them air to take out your windshield.

I was out last night driving my new 1969 pickup truck :P yeah i know its new to me and all original, and a deer decided to play kamikazi with me.  I barely missed that sucker.  Sure is hard to bring that ole truck to a stop without power steering and power brakes on one of these jagged edged graveled freshly graded including the boxes of nails for added traction in the elk county road! 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: pepelect on July 28, 2008, 06:52:02 PM

jagged edged graveled freshly graded including the boxes of nails for added traction in the elk county road! 

when I worked at the Severy Co-op it was always a joke that "they must have graded the roads" cause there would be an abundance of "tire repair" tickets from the station. :-\


So how much does a hammer mill of the variety that chews up rocks of a size to protect tires cost? Maybe that could be a county option?


Hmmm.  I always blamed it on David Helms!  I thought he went around the county spilling nails to increase his business.  Maybe the nails got too expensive.
But funny... my tire issues haven't decreased since he left... just ask my new best friend, Damian!


Night at the Museum I think I will go to that Tomorrow night at the grand city of Longton.   When is the bean feed?  Can you have a sample of the pork before you buy a 4-H pig? 

Diane Amberg

If you haven't already seen it, it's really cute. And for the pork..can you take out a plug like we used to do to watermelon? No? Oh well.

L Hendricks

Okay - we did the fair last night - OMG - it was hot... the girls of course loved looking at the animals... mom and dad still remember 20 years ago...when all the barns were full... the bingo stand seemed to be doing okay... the kiddie round robin had quite about of interest as did the adult round robin... The movie had a great location and was good... popcorn was excellent - thanks to HSB and Richard and Anna Beth Fish... unfortunately we had to leave at 11pm as bedtime is normally 9:30...most of the 4-H kids left too because they had to get up and show this am... Hubby and I discussed the fair situation on the way home... unfortunately it needs a complete face lift... there isn't much to draw the kids and parents out of the A/C and away from TV... We didn't do the foot races but at 2pm - it is too hot for me to watch kids running around... about some water activities... like Susan and the Howard Pool set up at the Moline Crazy days - have squirt gun contests or water balloon launching... water slides... a portable pool... bring back the mud volleyball

In the evening - Okay here is where I get shot... do away with the bean feed and the jamboree... have something kids like to do - an air guitar contest or do a live band - Oakleaf are you available... have a skate board contest or trick bike rally... atv rodeo - the kids in Lonton seem to love 4wheelers...

I do like the idea of the street dance on Sat night - I assume BK - the local bar is sponsoring it... Well again maybe we can generate some ideas that will make this event more popular... the new barn is nice - too bad it isn't a/c.... how about doing crafts things for the kids in the afternoon in the shade...


I have photos from the 125 year celebration at Longton; they had a hay scramble for the kids. Several bales were broken and tossed into a heap followed by a bunch of coins. The kids were all turned loose on it, and boy did they have a blast looking for those coins. Lots of fun for the adults also.


How was the Free .....bbq at the free fair?    Any pickle jars sitting around?

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