Would We?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Started by Teresa, July 26, 2008, 12:34:43 PM

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This appeared on the Editorial Page of the Richmond Times-Dispatch July
7, 2008.
Editor Times-Dispatch

Each year I get to celebrate Independence Day twice. On June 30 I
celebrate my independence day and on July 4 I celebrate America 's.
This year is special because it marks the 40th anniversary of my

On June 30, 1968, I escaped Communist Cuba and a few months later I
was in the United States to stay. That I happened to arrive in Richmond
on Thanksgiving Day is just part of the story, but I digress.

I've thought a lot about the anniversary this year. The election-year
rhetoric has made me think a lot about Cuba and what transpired there.
In the late 1950's, most Cubans thought Cuba needed a change, and they
were right. So when a young leader came along, every Cuban was at least

When the young leader spoke eloquently and passionately and denounced
the old system, the press fell in love with him. They never questioned
who his friends were or what he really believed in. When he said he
would help the farmers and the poor and bring free medical care and
education to all, everyone followed. When he said he would bring
justice and equality to all, everyone said "Praise the Lord". And when
the young leader said, "I will be for change and I'll bring you change,
everyone yelled, "Viva Fidel!"

But nobody asked about the change, so by the time the executioner's
guns went silent the people's guns had been taken away. By the time
everyone was equal, they were equally poor, hungry, and oppressed. By
the time everyone received their free education it was worth nothing.
By the time the press noticed, it was too late, because they were now
working for him. By the time the change was finally implemented Cuba
had been knocked down a couple of notches to Third-World status. By the
time the change was over more than a million people had taken to boats,
rafts, and inner tubes. You can call those who made it ashore anywhere
else in the world most fortunate Cubans. And now I'm back to the
beginning of my story.

Luckily, in America, we would never fall for a young leader who
promised change without asking, what change?
How will you carry it out?
What will it cost America ?

Would we

Manuel Alvarez, Jr.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


If I remember correctly, Fidel Castro came to the United States to ask for assistance not too long after gaining power. He was promptly rebuffed because of the interests that American mafia had there. Cuba was their playground and they didn't want to lose it. To compare the two situations and the two men is absurd, totally.

W. Gray

Didn't Castro come to the U.S. to attend a meeting in the United Nations?

I don't seem to recall him ever coming to the U.S. for assistance.

In fact, since he took power he has refused to cash every annual U.S. rental check received for Guantanamo.

He and his group purposely stayed in a hotel in Harlem and the media reported his group was killing chickens in their hotel room.

I thought Castro kicked the Mafia out lock, stock, and barrel right after he took over.

He took over the US oil companies and that started all the problems between the two countries.

I also remember many Americans, including me, were pulling for Castro until he finally showed his true colors.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Terrorists are not the most major threat to America. Yes, they can kill some of us, and disrupt our lives for a while, but not on the scale of Hurricanes, floods, or blizzards.
The major threat to America is the socialist infiltration of American society, starting with the education system, ( Oddly enough, Lenin and Tom Gresham say the same thing....... Get them when they are young and they are ours for life)
During the 50's the communists in America realized they would never be effective here under their own banner so they infiltrated the democratic party. The "Cold War" never ended, it just changed venues.
We destroyed the Soviet Union, now it's time to do the same to the fifth column here in America.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


We will start with corporate welfare no doubt?

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