
Started by Judy Harder, July 25, 2008, 03:00:18 PM

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Judy Harder

Several police cars and ambulances went through Longton a few minutes ago.
Not sure where they went........but one of them was the "jaws of life."
Think they went down towards the fair grounds/river  and or water plant.

Do any of you have any news?
someone needs our prayers really hard.

Our Jim McDonald works down there and maybe he knows something.
God be with all who are involved.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Janet Harrington

I heard on the scanner that people had the man and was cooling him off.  that's all I know.


Scanner said "no apparent injuries" but would let EMS make that decision.  An ambulance was coming out of Independence.  Dispatcher wanted to know if a chopper should be on standby and she was told NO.  The victim said he was okay, just let him lay for a minute.  The officer reported he had placed ice between the victims legs and in the arm pits to try to get him cooled down.  I'm sorry, I was not listening closely at the beginning so have no idea what the first call was.

Judy Harder

Well, that is better than what I heard, at first.
I don't really know anything, but a neighbor and I were discussing
what we had heard and you know how we all
embellish what we think we know.

I hadn't heard any sirens leaving town in a hurry and we have learned that when that happens
it is either  cause it was recalled to Howard, wasn't needed or else the patient had expired.

Thank you and I sure do wish I had a scanner........You guys are swell for responding.
Getting over heated isn't fun either.......been there and done that.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I talked to Lotus and it was Jim McDonald. She said that Joe Tindle was down there mowing and made one last swip and seen Jim laying face first in the ground and called 911. Carla and Glen went down and they did try to keep him cool with ice and he said that he feel off the steps and they said his blood pressure was high and his back was really hurting him bad. Them steps are pretty high. That is all I know he is at Mercy and we should all keep Jim in our prayers.


I would just like to add one more thing......HOW LUCKY ARE WE IN LONGTON TO HAVE GLEN AND CARLA BLACKBURN??? Wow what an incredible couple of people they are !!! Always there in emergencies!! I will never forget when Glen worked on my grandma Vestal when she passed away and he just kept up the CPR even though we all knew that she was gone and Carla was right there too helping. I will never forget that and how proud I was that they tried so hard. We are so truely blessed to have them so close and ready to respond in seconds to our emergencies!!


Just got word that Jim was treated and released but there was no answer at his home so we all figure that since he had Janet that close to town that they are probably eating Chinese food! ;D

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