Fireworks '06?

Started by WichitaRules, June 26, 2006, 07:07:13 PM

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Anyone know what day the fireworks at the lake are this year? We were thinking Saturday but were not for sure.

Janet Harrington

The fireworks at the Howard Lake are usually done on July 3, so as to not interfere with the fireworks at the Moline Rodeo on the 4th.


The Howard fireworks are going to be shot on Monday night.. July 3rd at dark-thirty.
Bring your truck and put the tailgate down... lawn chairs, blankets... boats.. whatever you want to use to set on, and join us in watching a great display.
Danny Signer has ordered them and said that we should have a real nice display this year.

The Howard fire dept. men will be shooting them off over on the dam...They do a fabulous job every year. It is a lot of hot hard work, and the downfall for them is that none of them ever get to watch and enjoy the display themselves.
So when you see any of these men, remember to give them a big thank you for their volunteered efforts.

Danny Signer, Danny Cookson, Derek Cookson, Jarrod Wiseman, Jim Wiseman, Ed Price, John Ed Robertson, Jerald Morgon, Kevin Wardlow, Jim Harrington, Dave Denton, Ian Denton, Sam Oakleaf, Todd Winscher, Mark Lassley, Tom Watts, Gary Harrod, Craig Wilson, Curtis Carey, John Miller Jr.,Tim Rhone.

Also a big thanks should go to Mark Cookson. He spends countless hours on the phone every year, calling people for donations for the fireworks fund, so we can have the nice display that we have every year.

I'll start it out~~~

THANK YOU !! To all of those who help make our 4th of July fun and safe.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Moline Rodeo is on the 3rd and 4th... as is the Piedmont Rodeo.
Both will have fireworks displays on the night of the 4th..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Hey thanks! We'll be there in the back of our truck!


If you were not at the fireworks on Monday night at the lake.. you missed out big time!
The display was awesome and bigger than ever.

Danny Signer, Derek & Danny Cookson, Jerald Morgon, John Miller Jr, Ed Price,Todd Winscher, Tom Watts, Curtis Carey, Jim Wiseman, Chris Crum, John Ed Robertson, Gary Harrod for being there and donating their time in setting up everything and setting off the display. And for cleaning up afterwards.

It is a big, not so fun job and I want to thank all of them for their time and efforts.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I'll have to admit. This was my first 4th in Howard. And i can easily say that the firework display on the 3rd was better then any i've seen here in Wichita. It may not have been all timed with music as many displays around here are but it was longer, bigger and better then this years riverfest show by far. See ya next year.

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