ObamaMessiah: America's No.#1 Megalomanic

Started by Warph, July 22, 2008, 02:54:08 AM

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Good point, Teresa.  I think the thing that has bothered me the most about the Obaminable is that he has nothing but words to offer...and it has been those only those words, offering hope that he will never realistically be able to deliver on, that have taken him thus far.  As has been pointed out before, our nation was formed out of words and hopes.  However...those words in the Constitution were backed up by previous actions and the following committment that the peoples of the original thirteen colonies would be willing to sacrifice their lives to obtain the freedoms and hopes spoken of contained therein.  I have not seen anything on the young man's part that would indicate to me that he's ready to lay down his life for his country.  Even though I dislike McCain...at least, he put his actions then where his words are now.

Diane Amberg

Well said.     O-ba-min-a-ble. I guess I can pronounce that. Is there snow involved?


Where his wife is concerned, there are glaciers! :laugh:


I believe it was General Wesley Clark who recently said that being a prisoner of war did no qualify anyone for the presidency.


I totally agree...what qualifies a person to be the Leader of the Free World is the willingness to lay down one's life to protect those very freedoms.  Like I said before...don't get that impression from Obama...have already seen it on the part of McCain...even as much as I dislike him.

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