Obama: He IS the Chosen One To Bring This Country To Its Knees!

Started by Warph, July 22, 2008, 03:19:33 AM

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"He IS the chosen one to bring this country out of the neocons rule and into the light as a beacon of hope for the rest of the world." 

"The Chosen One?"

Well at least his messiah credentials are still being touted.

"He IS the one that will end war.  He will bring all sides together and talk like adults.  See what they want and give it to them"
Yep, I agree that he'll help wipe Israel off the face of the earth too.  Since that's what they want, and he'll give it to them.  Will we let them kill the Jews, or move them somewhere after obliterating their country?

"He IS the one that will change Washington and get rid of these idiotic republicans and their backwoods backwards ways.  Fire them all."  
Yeah, once there's a Democrat majority things will change, like after 2006 with the Democratic Majority... Oooooops... nothing changed did it, Nancy?  But he will remove Republicans from power without asking the electorate I guess.  Good to know he'll take absolute power and end Democracy in favor of totalitarian rule... or is that not what you meant?

"He IS the one that will bring us Progressives back into power and change this Constitution. Just like it was always intended to.  We no longer need to hunt for food so we can ban and outlaw guns and their ammunition."  
Right, who would need a gun to defend themselves from criminals or an overreaching Government.  You should die waiting for the police like a good Clown.

"He IS the one who'll amend the Constitution, taking the Presidential role in the amendment process which is... nothing."  
As a Senator he can propose an Amendment, but the President has no role in Constitutional Amendments.  You'd better get cracking before you're elected, Clown

"He IS the one that will tax these oil companies to extinction."  
HOORAY, subsistence farming and starvation for everyone. Stop the economy and go back to the dark ages.  Lets end agriculture and go back to family plots with no oil based machinery.  You first, Clown.

"He IS the one that will tax every corporation like they're supposed to be taxed.  So, they'll get taxed more, raise prices, and pass those taxes on to you." 
Good. I'd hate to have money that the government didn't take away from me.  Finally the Government will take all my money.  Will they give me back enough to live on if I ask nicely for some of my money?  How about it, Clown?

"He IS the one that will give us free health care, the best in the world." 
Like Canada.  Waiting 18 months for a hip replacement is "the best in the world".  But at least once you end the oil economy you'll have plenty of funds for this... wait, maybe not, Clown

"He IS the one to forever make abortions legal and free."  
Yep, even if an abortion fails and the child is born alive, he'll support your right to go ahead and kill the little baby for living.  Actually, he's already supported that. Right, Clown?  And free?  So a doctor's time, labor, and materials mean nothing; and you have every right to force them to work for you for free.  When did we enslave doctors?  I didn't realize that if we want something, we can just force people to give it to us for free without being called thieves and crooks for that.  Can we make politicians, judges, and lawyers work for free first?  We'll try doctors after we see how this works out.

Maybe you can.  But that doesn't mean you should.  Obama, you CLOWN.  Ringling Bros. are calling!   ......Warph
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Warph, in the future if you could refrain from using the word clown so many times I would appreciate the consideration. See I have to admit I have coulrophobia. ;D ;) For more information on this condition I have included a website.



"can't sleep or the clowns will eat me!" >:(


Clo*** are clo***....( I tried not to say the word) LOL

A mask on the outside and someone different on the inside..
but the ones you don't like David, will only effect the people in the circus under the tent.
The one we don't like will effect the people of the United States ..under our Constitution.

But the website was very funny.
I laughed out loud and of course sent it to my daughter in law.. who is really really afraid of clowns..
One ran up and hugged her at the Shrine Circus and the look of fear she had can not be explained.

(((Told by the crazy mother in law who laughs at her.  )))  ;D ;D ;D ;D
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