Just found this interesting.........

Started by pam, July 22, 2008, 09:37:30 AM

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This MAY belong in religion but thought it was an interesting take on a touchy subject for everybody........this is entirely an attempt at provoking thought not anger....that said...

Satan's Plan & Tool vs God's Plan & Tool

To understand the implications and ramifications of the erroneous usages of these words, one must delve into the definitions themselves and the demonizing, radical religious connotation that has been attached to the words causing people to conjure up false images and understanding in their minds.
The word "Conservative," although current usage is one of highly desirableness, it is really a pejorative meaning to preserve, tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions or institutions, traditional, marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style and manners. In a word, conservative means to remain the same or to not change.

The word "Liberal" comes from the Latin word liberalis meaning suitable for a freeman, generous. In English, "Liberal" means marked by generosity and openhandedness; broad-minded, tolerant, esp not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy or traditional forms; generous, bountiful, munificent. In a word, liberal means to be able to change.

Man was not created and placed on earth with the commandment, "Thou shalt be conservative," or "Thou shalt not improve, better or change thyself." God told man, "Thou shalt have dominion over the earth and every creeping thing thereon." That in and of itself requires man to change, however, individually slight. While Christianity is replete with scripture in which God admonishes mankind to strive for perfection, to better himself or to change, some Professional Faith Merchants have characterized as utter heresy, my admonition that many biblical scriptures calls man to work for perfection as if they believe that God is going to come down and touch a person and by "the grace of God, "all man will made perfect.'

God is the only being or entity that, by His own edict, has not, does not and will not change. However, even then, that's only because man can't or refuses to comprehend the things of God even when, in many cases, he man is told in no uncertain, clear and precise terms.

Not so with mankind. Mankind was sent to earth to change, to improve himself, his family, his neighbor, his town, his country, the world, the earth over which he was given dominion. But first, man has to learn about that which he was given dominin. He had to change, to improve himself before he can improve the lot of that over which he was given dominion!

Had man come into existence with the natural edict or propensity to remain conservative and not change, man would still be living in caves, would never have crossed the unknown looking for a better life, America would never have been born, freedom would never have been realized. Additionally, there never would have been the concept known as and mankind would never have known what democracy meant, what law or human rights meant, let alone have heard or even been able to yearningly have uttered those words.

Action helps to define what a liberal and a conservative is. Liberals whether Republican or Democrat brought about the end to legal slavery which was violently opposed by conservatives. Liberals enacted child labor laws over the violent opposition and clamor of conservatives. Liberals brought about women suffrage, human and civil rights despite furious and heated opposition presented by the so-called Christian conservatives.

Liberal means "given to change, given to human rights and equality"

On the other hand, as far back as the beginning of time, conservatives were and have been resistant to change, resistant to improvement, resistant to altering the status quo. Conservatives did not want to end slavery; conservatives did not want equal human rights, conservatives did not want laws against child labor, conservatives did not want to allow women to vote; conservatives did not want to educate females nor allow females to have equal or similarly equal rights to their male counterparts.

Conservative means "remaining the same, resistant to change or improvement"

There is no one who is truly liberal nor conservative. No one is truly liberal not even Senator Edward Kennedy or President Bill Clinton. They too believe very strongly in family, family values, the work ethic, a strong and prosperous nation. On the other hand,. no one is truly conservative, not even Rush Limbaugh, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson or David Brock. Everyone is a little bit of both or a lot of one or the other but nobody is 100% liberal or conservative. Those traditionally labeled "conservative" liberally twists and abuses the truth depending on what they want to receive or achieve. Those adopting and applying the label "Conservative" to them selves, have traditionally "liberal" ideas, ambitions, goals and philosophies when it involves them, their family or their wants.

For those who are religious, you think of God in terms of Allah, Buddha, Christ, or Jehovah according to the tradition of your upbringing

The fact that God wants man to care for his brother and sister as he cares for himself is not a conservative idea, concept or doctrine. It's not the norm or traditional thing to do. We're not on this earth forever but while we are here, we are supposed to help our brothers and sisters change or progress and by doing so, we will likewise change or process. Christ said, "What profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his own soul. Practically speaking, what does it profit a person if he or she gains the much sought after "financial security" but loses sight of his own humanity and fails to remember his roots who he is and where he has come from.

If mankind observed the teachings of God, there would be no homeless, no poverty, no discrimination whether the currently illegal kind or otherwise. We would all be so dull and similar, we would cherish individual differences as a change from the normal routine.

If mankind observed the teachings of God, there would be no one without medical care no matter what it costs us. There would be no class. There would be no excessively wealthy nor terribly poor people. Under a purely theological order run by God, there would be no capitalism. Communism was Satan's attempt at bastardizing the order of God and putting it in the hands of common, avaricious man void of God.

For those who believe in a supreme being, God created man and placed him on earth to prove to himself, not God, what type of person he or she will become under different conditions of birth, i.e. to prove to man himself whether he or she has personal integrity. Are we capable of becoming another Adolph Hitler, a Joseph Stalin or a Saddam Hussein and pre-judge someone just because of where or to whom that person was born and do we set ourselves up as superior to everyone else for reasons completely beyond our control or are we compassionate to all of our fellowmen and try to better each person's lot in life? Do we try to help others with no thought of repayment or do we go about helping others making sure our deeds are visible and known to others. This is the normal way of doing things, the status quo, the accepted pattern, the conservative behavior. My boss always condescendingly reminded me, "You must learn to be your own cheerleader. If you don't speak up for yourself, nobody else will and others will continue to get the credit for the things you've done." I would say, "Yes, that may be true but only until they are ask to replicate it then the true be know."

The above attitude of my boss is anathema to the ways of God and teachings of Christ. To help one's neighbors and one's fellowman whether one's neighbor is a person or a nation is not conservative but liberal. To be tolerant of others is not conservative but liberal. To bless those who curse you and pray for them that spitefully use you is not conservative but liberal. To go against the grain and strive to be different, whether its a teenager wanting to wait until marriage to have sex or whether it is a teenager saying no to drugs or alcohol is not conservative but liberal. To dare to be different or do that which is contrary to the accepted norm is not conservative but liberal.

Conservatism is anathema to the Laws of God and teachings of Christ. The so-called "Christian Conservatives" have lobbied for constitutional amendments to outlaw abortion and legalize school prayer or essentially legalize their beliefs and deprive others of the freedom of thought and action. America did not fight too long and hard against totalitarian communism outside its borders to have to deal with a totalitarian conservative enemy within bent on depriving individuals the freedom of thought, worship, expression and action.

As I said before, man was not created and placed on earth with the commandment, "Thou shalt be conservative," but "Man shalt have dominion over the earth and every creeping thing thereon." Man had to learn about the himself, the earth and everything thereon. Mankind was not placed on earth to be statically dormant or to remain the same but man and women was placed on earth to progress, improve, change themselves, their neighbors, their country, mankind and the earth, his dominion for the better. If man had of remained statically the same, unchanged, mankind would have remained in caves, nomads in the arid deserts of the middle east scrapping out an existence from the desert floors. However, man was put here to have dominion over the earth. By definition, man was created to change his lot for the better and that of his fellowmen.

By the authority vested in me by God, I am admonished to share something with you which will shock some people but man was created and placed on earth as a test, to test our individual commitment to truth, knowledge and intelligence. Man was placed on earth to see if that individual has the unconditional love, integrity and a commitment to truth and intelligence necessary to be given a similar responsibility over an earth of his own as was our spiritual brother Jesus Christ. "As man is God once was, as God is man may become." Do you have what it takes or are you a couch potato and content to remain the same?

The choice is yours!
   David R.W. Wadsworth
Servant of the Most High God

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Thanks for posting this Pam, very interesting!

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