ObamaMessiah: America's No.#1 Megalomanic

Started by Warph, July 22, 2008, 02:54:08 AM

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We all know by now that Barack Obama's megalomania, (his mental illness that is marked by delusions of greatness and his obsession of doing extravagant or grand things), is starting to backfire on him: 

Here's what David Gergen said Monday July 21 on AC360°:

"Barack Obama made the first mistake of his trip in releasing a statement in which he said exactly what Malaki had said in those conversations. We have a long tradition in this country that we only have one president at a time. He's the commander in chief and negotiator in chief.
I cannot remember a campaign which a rival seeking the presidency has been in a position negotiating a war that's underway with another party outside the country. I think he leaves himself open to the charge tonight that he's meddling, that this is not his role, that he can be the critic but he's not the negotiator. We have a President who does that.
So I think the underlying facts support him, but I think it was be a mistake to get into these conversations and let it be used politically."


Andrea Mitchell on "Hardball"  July 21, 2008

Andrea Mitchell might be a doyenne of the liberal media, but she has her reporter's pride and principles, both of which have been trampled by the way the Obama campaign has managed the media during the candidate's current trip to Afghanistan and Iraq.  Mitchell let loose on this evening's Hardball, speaking of "fake interviews" and indicating we don't know the truth of the trip because we don't know what was edited out of the video that's been released.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Andrea, I want to get ethnic a little bit here --

ANDREA MITCHELL: This is message --

MATTHEWS: Yeah, go ahead, please.

MITCHELL: Let me just say something about the message management.  He didn't have reporters with him, he didn't have a press pool, he didn't do a press conference while he was on the ground in either Afghanistan or Iraq. What you're seeing is not reporters brought in.  You're seeing selected pictures taken by the military, questions by the military, and what some would call fake interviews, because they're not interviews from a journalist.  So, there's a real press issue here.  Politically it's smart as can be.  But we've not seen a presidential candidate do this, in my recollection, ever before.

When Matthews inquired about the atmospherics of the trip, Mitchell made clear her frustration as a reporter.

MATTHEWS: Let me ask you about access to the troops, Andrea.  A lot of African-American faces over there, very happy, delighted faces.  Is that a representation of the percentage of servicepeople who are African-American, or did they all choose to join someone they like, apparently?  What's the story?

MITCHELL: I can't really say that.  Being a reporter who was not present in any of those situations, I just cannot report on what was edited out, what was, you know, on the sidelines.  That's my issue. We don't know what we are seeing!

(Hmmmmm..... she has a good point.  ...Warph)


CBS: Face The Nation July 20, 2008

Obama: I'll Be President For 'The Next 8 to 10 Years'?

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, the reputed "Constitutional scholar," just today said on "CBS's Face the Nation" that he went to Iraq to talk to important leader that he expects to be "dealing with over the next eight to 10 years."  So, does this "Constitutional scholar" not realize that there is this little thing called the 22nd Amendment that holds a president to only two, four year terms?  Um, that would be a grand total of only 8 years, Barack, not 8 to 10.  Of course, the big question is, will we see this idiot gaffe race through the MSM as it would if a Republican had said it?

At the very least ABC's Jake Tapper, one of the best political reporters in the biz, sure noticed.  Today on "CBS's Face the Nation," Sen. Barack Hussein Obama, D-Ill., in Afghanistan, told the paparazzi-pursued correspondent Lara Logan that "the objective of this trip was to have substantive discussions with people like President Karzai or Prime Minister Maliki or President Sarkozy or others who I expect to be dealing with over the next eight to 10 years."

Tapper zings the presumptuous nominee a good one.  "The notion that Obama will be dealing with world leaders for eighjt-to-ten years, possibly up through July 2018, suggests that either (a) he believes that not only will he be elected and re-elected, but the 22nd amendment will be repealed and he will be elected for a third term, OR (b) he was speaking casually and just meant two terms."  Tapper goes on to zing Obama several more times before this entry is done.

But, why is it that Tapper is seemingly the only denizen of the MSM ever willing to bring out these stories?   Why does the MSM so constantly give the Obamessiah a pass?  I'll bet you can say why.

But here is a real point to ponder.  What if John McCain had said he'd be president for the next 10 years?   Wouldn't the press and every late night comedian gin up the "he's old and senile" jokes until those jokes would go through the country like wildfire?

Lastly, we have yet one more example of this man's arrogance.  He is beginning to carry on foreign policy before he even gets elected!

"And it's important for me to have a relationship with them early, that I start listening to them now, getting a sense of what their interests and concerns are."

You see, Barack, that is a president's job!  Have you been elected yet?  What do you think?   What a Clown .....Warph
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Warph, you've been cooking chili again haven't you.  :P :P :P

Diane Amberg

What in the world will he do if Barack gets elected? ??? ??? ???


Warph is a master strategist...all he'll have to do is wait for all those Obamagirls out there to start posting and then he'll have a field day! :laugh: :laugh:


Ahhh .... take funny shots at the messenger..( Warph can handle it)
but understand that the message is not a laughing matter. Neither is Obama.
He is so "not qualified"  that it leaves me speechless... and wondering once again..
" What has spirit done to blind the eyes and deafen the ears of the people.?"
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


All laughing aside, Teresa, I completely agree with you.  Obama, however well-intentioned the too-young man might be, is an accident waiting to happen.  When (not if) that accident happens, it will be interesting to see how quick our Democratic major networks (please note that I'm not using the verb...I'm using the party affiliation) move to provide cover for him...which they've been doing ever since he announced his run for the Presidency. 

Diane Amberg

Teresa, if you were still in your 20s and full of youthful enthusiasm, and didn't have all the experience you have now, how would you feel?


My god Diane.. When I was 20 years old I didn't have sense enough to come in out of the rain.. LOL
Well I had a little sense.. but to look back.. I am shocked that I accomplished so much with so little ..  :D
I was a homemaker and the mother of Danny..and an excellent one.. but politically? I was on another planet. Had no idea about any of it. ..and didn't care.

So to the answer of your question... I don't know. I suppose I would be for the young guy who could sell a fur coats to the Africans or ice machines to the Eskimos.  But back when I was 20, women were not as involved in things as they are now.

I didn't have the influence of Gene Cookson yet as he wasn't my father in law until 1974. He is the one who has taught me more about politics and the workings ( the underhanded workings) of the government.

My daddy was for Nixon.. and I kinda thought I was too, but I had no idea why..
I didn't pay any attention hardly at all to politics or anything in that area until Ronald Regan.. Then I slowly started listening and learning from Dad Cookson.  I have been a 60% Republican/40% Libertarian since then .

I remember in the 60's I thought Bobby Kennedy was sooo cute and I wanted my folks to vote for him because of that. LOL  ::)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg


But Diane.. I made no bones about the fact that I didn't know squat from siccum in the political world. I was upfront and honest.

The youngsters now spout like they DO know and talk like they are full of worldly experience about world issues. .
Just my opinion...but
Unless they are first hand military vets or study economy and world affairs out the yazoo.. I doubt many of them know just WHAT effect a political disaster would entail.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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