For Roma

Started by Teresa, July 21, 2008, 01:02:19 PM

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It would have to be if I did it..  :-\
(Like a funeral director on location)  ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

Tonight we did the Candlelight ride to benefit The Discovery Center. 7 miles downtown area of Springfield   The police and volunteers manned the intersections.  Village Inn had breakfast for us when we got back.  There was every kind of bike under the sun and tons of kids.  I was amazed at how little some of these kids were just peddaling there little hearts out.
    Monday nite is MS Bike Nite at the local Cardinals Game.  We get to ride our bikes around the field.  They will draw one of our names to throw out the first pitch.I,ll keep you posted.


Awesome, Roma!  I am impressed.  Have a great time.

Roma Jean Turner

Hey Iola330.  I graduated from Chanute in 1962. I'll be there the last weekend in September for the Artist Alley weekend.  I love to go back and see old friends.

Roma Jean Turner

Last night was our first MS Bike Night at the Cardinals Game, (our Springfield Cardinals).  Since over 1,000 people always ride in the big event coming up in September,  I expected to get to the stadium and have at the least two or three hundred bicyclists there.  However, since it was a Monday night game and the first day of school, only 28 of us showed up.  We lined up single file so it would like there was more of us as we rode around the field.  Then the event planner showed up and said, "Oh, you guys go on after the horse club."  We are all going, WHAT HORSE CLUB?  Has anyone noticed that we are on bicycles?????????????

Anyway, the horses went out followed by a woman with a big bucket and two girls with shovels, followed by 28 avid bicyclists.  The crowd cheered and no one fell down, we got our T Shirts and the Cardinals won 6/5 so it was a good night.


Roma:  I have enjoyed reading your updates.  You are very inspiring with your dedication to your cause.  It sounds like you have had some laughs while working to raise awareness and money for MS.

You are a blessing to others and I pray that God richly reward you as well.


A big Amen! You have moral support from here! Pedal on Garth!

Diane Amberg

So you followed the horses? That does put a funny picture in my head. It does sound like a lot of fun. Go Roma!

Roma Jean Turner

Thank you for the kind words.  A  childhood friend of mine died in her early 20s of this disease leaving two small children.  In todays world she could have probably taken a shot a day and lived a pretty normal life like others I know now.  That is the difference research over time can make.
     More training rides this weekend.....just the horses.

Roma Jean Turner

Well the saga continues.  Yesterday I set out to do a 50 mile MS Training ride with the bike club I belong to.  I called the team captain sunday night and explained that I had never  been on one of these and I was 64 years old and didn't want to go and slow anyone down.  He assured that there would be other slower, older riders and that the ride would an easy pace and everyone would look out for each other, (as this ride did not have support vans running the route).
    I arrived at the parking lot of the highschool in Republic, MO and immediately realized that I was the only one on a commuter bike, everyone else was on those light weight racers.  I had also fogotten my cell phone, however, another lady told me to take hers so I would have some way of communicating.  As we took off I was up close to the front.  Some guy actually rode up to me and complimented me on how well I was keeping up on my "big, heavy bike."  Two hills later I saw them for the last time and realized that I was alone on Farm roads I had never been on with a map that I am notorious for not being able to read.  I have to admit it was intimidating and I didn't feel really safe.  I thought if I do this again without support, I will need to have my conceal and carry permit and be packin' heat.
      Finally I realized there was a lone rider coming up behind me.  He past me but then stopped to see if I was okay.  As it turned out he wasn't in real good shape, just wanted try to  ride, so we rode together.  We made it to the first stop about 14 miles  and decided to keep going to the next town.  A couple of miles later he had a flat tire.  So by the time we got that fixed we were really behind.  We made it 26 miles and he started getting bad leg cramps and felt he couldn't go on and called a friend to come get us.  Now the good news is, we didn't have to stop because of me.  But the truth was I was glad to go back because by then the sun was beating down on our backs and it was 91 degrees.  He gave his friend directions to find us and said "We won't be hard to find, just look for two bicyclst's laying in the ditch by the side of the road."   :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:This Saturday, I don't think I'll do the 70 mile run and maybe not the 50, I may just do the 20 and rest up for the MS run the 13th and 14th.  Stay tuned.

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