If our community was given $450K, what would you like done with the money....

Started by L Hendricks, July 17, 2008, 02:04:57 PM

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Ohhh I like the idea of having a big Elk County fair all combined!!!! I have not been to the Longton fair in so long cause to be quite frank it sucks. I can remember when I was a kid and there were rides and it was so much fun!! I think have a big blow out at Moline rodeo area and be done with it. What Longton has is not my idea of a fair and fun!!


 Use the money to improve things in the whole county, that will atract some type of business's to come to our great part of the state. Maybe then they could help pay taxes, so we can do more improvements in the county.
Just some toughts.

L Hendricks

It is fun to dream... Wilma - not sure exactly how much is needed for the Elk Co RWD#2... and yes, Teresa for all of Elk County... one idea I would like see is a house building course offered at both HS that reside here in Elk County... build a house in each school dist and auction it off... could kill atleast 2 birds with one stone - housing shortage and help teach our kids a trade that they could use right out of high school or even during high school....


Liz, I would take that housing idea -- which is a good one! -- another step farther. I'd use the money to start a non-profit housing program that addresses neglected properties in each of the towns, salvages building materials, encourages first-time home buyers (and all buyers, for that matter!) with low-interest loans, and establishes a small business that would employ local people. I've actually done some research into this and (like Tobina, smart gal she is!) want to have all my facts and figures before I present the idea formally to Elk Konnected, county/city leadership, and the like. It's a symbiotic program, similar to but not the same as Habitat for Humanity, that could resolve several of our towns' problems, but before I go into much more detail, I want to be sure all the "links in the chain" are strong.


ahhhhh Diane... kinda like.. if you had 3 wishes.. make the 3rd wish for 3 more?? LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg


If Rudy gets papers to sailboat.   ......That would be 1,125,000 ice cream cones at the home grown world renown soda fountain.....I would then move the construction project along at a much faster pace.   Boating is for old retired people that want to go with the flo....w of the currents.  But I do like how you tied the wind source of funding into your life long dream.     I would buy a speed boat.   Brother Phil says he could put a taco in every mouth in Elk County.


What if we turned around and invested the funds back in to wind power.  If some of the largest engery companies a looking to Elk County to steal of our wind lets buy in. 

8)  No this idea blows!

L Hendricks

Dr. KEP gave me these ideas to share -
* a indoor swimming pool
* a larger transportation bus for the entire county (to get people to the other activities in the county)
* a grant/scholarship program to help grow our own teachers, (I am going to add lawyers and drs) and then they would need to come back and repay the community with a certain amount of time - ie 4 yrs.etc...

The wind developer did mention some schools are putting up personal turbines to help with their energy needs...

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