The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto

Started by Warph, July 16, 2008, 04:20:27 PM

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Diane Amberg

So what do we do? Have an uprising? How do we explain it?


Gonna say it anyway, a good idea is a good idea no matter where it comes from.......I said it , I meant it and I'm standin by it... but I'm gonna duck just in case :P
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


No. Diane, our biggest tool is our votes, everyone should exercise that God Given right that millions of Americans have suffered and died for. I am not advocating any violence, just involvement, everyone has the freedom to think and vote the way they feel, the saddest thing to me is that so many people do not vote at all. I happen to think that people should work for a living and there are far to many people that don't work at all. I think if we really want to help our youth we should start in Watts in LA or the projects in Chicago. We have people born into a life where they are not getting an education of even the barest minimum, they are not being encouraged to to go to school, to work or take responsibility for their actions. These young people are worth saving, giving them a free ride on Social Welfare (SOCIALISM) is not saving them, it is leaving them in the gutter. I was born the 15th child to my parents and when I started to the first grade I got up and worked in my brother's store before school and after school. When I was in grade school I worked for farmers during school and in the summers, my parents were the hardest working people that I have ever known and they never complained and they never once accepted any welfare.
You came from the same type of hard working people and you are hrdworking yourself, do you want to give up a big portion of your retirement or life's savings so Nancy Pelosi can feel good about giving to some Illegal Immigrant or some one that didn't work and save. I do not mind sharing with people that have worked hard and for whtever reason they need help for the necessities and medical help. I see elderly people working in Walmart and other places and I am really proud of them, I always make a point to greet the Walmart greeters, in fact I may be one myself someday. Enough of my rambling, HAVE A GREAT DAY


Very well stated, Frank.... you hit the nail on the head!  Today, you are THE MAN!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I agree about the inner city Frank. Too many kids nowadays don't know anything but drugs, domestic violence and crime that it makes me sick. It's not just in the cities either. Whether you like it or not tho it's gonna take "social" programs and money to change it. Youth programs, drug rehab programs, and unfortunately parenting programs just because they don't know what a parent is supposed to be. They turn to crime because they don't know any better for one thing and it pays way more than flippin burgers or bein a janitor or whatever. They turn to gangs because the gangs offer them the closest thing to a family any of them have ever had, gives them protection from the other animals in their lives, gives them somewhere to belong. They live in the violence and filth every day and don't see any light at the end of the tunnel to go toward. All that takes money and I'd lots rather my tax money went for that than some of the stupid crap they spend it on. I've seen too many kids with no hope and nobody to love breaks my heart.   :-[ got on a soapbox there for a minute.........But all the kids are our future and personally I don't think any expense is too much to try to save them.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Pam, I agree with you and I am not opposed to any program or expenditure that salvages and helps people of any age that needed it and deserve it. If it saves young people and reduces drugs I am for it. The programs I see coming out of Washington are kind of like "FEED IT AND MAYBE IT WILL GO AWAY". Don''t feed them teach them to feed themselves, every so often I see an article where a minister, youth worker, coach, teacher gets involved and works with some youth groups and the results are young people going to school, working, attending church, Young Life is a group that has done a lot of that. My Niece and her Husband, Marcia and Larry Taylor work with young people all of the time and have done a lot to help young people get their life on the right track and get Jesus in their heart. Unfortunately, to many of us turn our head and accept the problems as not ours or not savable, Washington can never administer a program to help people because it is so rotten with bureacracy and waste. I don't know what the answer is. WOW it is getting scary and not much fun agreeing with you so much, people will be thinking I am a liberal.


Lol, didn't anybody warn you it's contagiuos!? Oh god people aren't gonna start thinkin I'm one of those stuffy conservatives are they?

Old sayin feed a man a fish he's not hungry today, teach a man to fish he can feed himself for life or somthin to that effect anyway.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


What is scary is that Frank and Pam are agreeing on something.


Very good post Warph.

Those are the ones I like.  I read, re-read and then read again and sit back and mull it over.

It is readings like that which really make a libertarian candidate sound like a genius.  I personally really like the libertarians view or vision of what government should be.  It is so far off the path now, it is hard to think it will ever get back, but Frank is right when he says vote.  That is our only defense and if you don't vote, you don't get to bitch about anything and we all love to do that!! :-X

Diane Amberg

Now, where was I?  I had to drop off to go for a stress test.  I didn't die, so now I'm back to yak some more.  Frank, I think we're on different pages of the same book.  I totally agree that we should not be tolerant of illegals.  I'm just not sure what to do about it.  It just seems to me we've got economic woes, communist and socialistic take over worries, and illegals all mixed in the same stew. I don't care for Nancy Pelosi's ideas, or most of them. But it's all gotten so complicated I don't know how it can be "fixed" without hurting some segment of our own population. Yes, I've always worked hard. When I needed extra money, I've always taken on extra work to get it. And as I said before, yes, everyone should vote, we put 'em in and we can take 'em out. As far as seeing my savings evaporate, it's already happening. On a bigger picture, the whole of Delaware is that way. Our state never gets back as much as it pays into federal taxes. Or so I'm told. But then again, I always try to give more than I take, and we've always lived on less than we could have. I've always believed in lots of rainy days. Being an EMT all those years I saw people in the most awful circumstances.  I won't tell it now, but we picked up an old man that I'll never forget. His story showed me both the kind side and the evil side of human beings. Enough already.

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