Obama’s Inexperience Tough to Ignore

Started by Teresa, July 15, 2008, 05:02:29 PM

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Well...........................*peeking at my down card*..
Unlike Wild Bill Hickok's fifth card, ( there is  some reason to believe that he had discarded one card... the draw was interrupted by the shooting... and he never got the fifth card he was due.) I DO have a 5th card..
I have the dead mans hand of aces and eights..


I have an Ace High kicker...

I'm showin' a full house.

Do I have myself a pair of gold earrings?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Yes, you sure do. How about pierced hoops? I had nothing! :laugh:


pierced hoops will be just fine...
(((as Teresa walks away stashing her half box of ammo and shaking her watch hoping it will start ticking again. ))))
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I get it I get it Catwoman  your a McCainer right!!!!!  I am for Obama and I feel I should be able to express myself just as you do Catwoman and you Teresa and youWarph without you saying ok ok we get it.   And YES teresa I am well over the age to Vote? That would be like me asking you if you were of age.  Wouldn't that be rude?


I meant I am well over the age to start voting.. Although maybe there  should be a time when you should stop voting.Ha Ha  no really!!!!  Just  wanted to clarify that before I got jumped once again.


Are you now................. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Quote from: tallerthanmost on July 23, 2008, 09:18:44 AM
  And YES teresa I am well over the age to Vote? That would be like me asking you if you were of age.  Wouldn't that be rude?

And you don't HAVE to ask me if I am of age.. I use my real name on here . I don't have to pretend that I am older than I am..or younger than I am. I'm 56 years old...

Just how old ARE you Missy.... ? :)

(( I just sent you a pm   :) ))

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Oh, ttm, you aren't getting jumped...and sorry for obviously antagonizing you. :-)  I realize that your youth and exuberance are a big part of this. :-)  Actually, you were rather missed during your long absence..you keep everything stirred up nicely!


Teresa I know how old you are and you looking pretty freakin good might I say...I just like to jump on from time to time to get your fire lit under your askit and get you going, your a very passionate person and I do admire that about you and also alot of others on here. It nice to get on this forum and be able to say what you want to write the things you believe in and not always be judged about it aleast not like when you get judged in person.I put my two cents in from time to time just to get the party jumping again but have never truely just wrote the things I believe in and all that is in my heart.. I dont discuss politics with my friends basically because I love my friends and my coworkers and most of them are republicans so why ruin friendships over politics. I am a Democrat I am proud to be a Democrat I dont hide the fact that I am a democrat and if you ask I will let you know what I believe in I just choose not to get into battles about it. Everyone is different not everyone is going to believe what you do or believe in the things that you find important in life. I  dont try to change my friends opinions and they dont try to change mine it is a truse that we have. LOve and LIfe are far more important to me than battling it out with people.  Alot of people thought I was young because I wont go all out on here well that is because I didnt feel I had to till now, and Im still not going to go completely there with you.   I am 35 years old I am a mother of three beautiful children, I work aircraft 45 to 55 hours a week, I wake up at three thirty in the morning and I drive a hour to work normally not getting home till 6 at night. I am a single mother that gets no child support whatsoever yet I am able to pay for my own kids insurance and everything they and I need without going on wellfare and without complaining about our systems.  I believe our children are our future and that they need to be educated correctly I believe every child should have insurance I believe teachers need to be paid more for what they do and for the things they need in their classrooms, I believe policemen should be paid more for protecting us .I believe its a womans choice to do with her body what ever she feels is the right thing for her in her situation without having some bigwig MAN tell her what she should do. I feel if my best friend who is a gay man wants to marry his partner it is up to him  it should just be his choice not ours.


A voice of reason in the wilderness.................COOL
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I  dont believe in war and I wish we didnt have to be in a war situation yet I understand why we have to do it. I believe taxes suck major butt, I believe that I dont get paid far enough for the work i DO(lol)    Yet I know if I dont do the job they will send it to Mexico where most of our parts at work are coming from..  I love the United States I love being a American and I love being a Democrat and I love being a Woman that has opportunities.   I love my family I love my friends I love people and I love being a happy person.... I do believe in alot of things  that Obama does I believe he is a good man and that his intentions are good... I believe what I believe and you believe what you do and thats ok  because we live in the United States of America and thats what makes us such a good country. 

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