Teresa's suggestion and ramblings

Started by Teresa, August 30, 2005, 10:21:03 PM

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Why is no one posting on the Howard Forum?

Poor Carl is working his butt off posting the letters and pictures ..not for himself, he already has read them ...
but for us.. and I have not heard many thank you's given to him for all  his work.
Shame on you!
It takes everyone to help make a forum a place to stop in every day for a quick cup of coffee .. post a few lines ..give everyone a bit of what is going on .. and then get back to work.

I am very very active in the CASCITY ( Cowboy Action Shooting) forum.
I know that the circumstances are a little different, because we are a smaller group.
That particular forum alone is visited by 300 people a day,...
but it is still a forum, no matter the size, and people still get on there and share stuff.
Granted, it is a whole lot about the sport and guns and gear. but they have opinions and conversations
on everything going all the time. Some of it is silly stuff, and some is stuff that really is interesting.

I am suggesting that we all try a little harder to share a little of this or a little of that...
And just not a few of us.. I mean all members have to join in. I realize that  3 times a week is a more realistic request..
but to TRY is what I am asking.

.. Can you imagine how neat it might be to have
a whole lot of bits and pieces from folks  to read and catch up on every day?

That is all. it is just a suggestion, and I am willing to do my part.
Are You?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

The only news that I have is that Cathy Johnson and her Jack Russell terrier, Syndey, are members of the Harrington household.  We combined households to help each other, especially with the dog sitting when necessary.  Syndey was having to spend alot of time at home, alone, or in the kitchen when Cat was sleeping.  Cathy works nights and we both work days, so we will be fine.  I am sooooo excited to have one of my "bestest" friends in the whole world living with me.  I LOVE IT!!!!

Work is going great.  My Lt. told me today that we had done over 189 bookings in August.  That sounds like a lot to me, but he says it is down from July.  However; he didn't furnish me with the numbers for July.  Lots and lots of people get arrested in Wilson.  The troopers are on the ball with the traffic on 400 and the other highways and we get alot of DUIs, driving while suspended, etc.  We also hold Johnson County prisoners and Sedgwick County prisoners.  We are hopping everyday.  We have fun.  My news for now.  See ya.


I am doing some house cleaning on posts.. deleting.. moving .. adding to...
Once again... I am going to thank those that are posting in the forum to help us keep it alive...
And I am going to ask that those of you who are not... but who are enjoying the forum..
to please add some news of who you are and where you live ..and what is going on in your neck of the woods...

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


   "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
Do you remember being told that when you were a child?  I know I do.  Well, I was thinking today how to make myself and others have better days.So take the old saying and go one step more....
If you have something nice to say, then say it!
In other words, go ahead and compliment someone.
    Just the simple act of commenting on some good aspect of another person not only makes them feel good, but it also makes you feel good as well.  You're reaching out and establishing a connection with another human being.Everybody likes a compliment.

I'm sure you can remember a time when perhaps you weren't in the best of moods and someone paid you an unexpected compliment.  What a difference that can make! I have always said "I can live for two months on a good compliment."

    I'm talking about a sincere compliment.  If you're not sure what to say, start with the obvious.  Perhaps someone is wearing a nice shirt or has a hairstyle that you think is attractive.That's something you can comment on to a complete stranger. To those people that you know... they might have a great smile or laugh, or is reliable, creative, or helpful, or some other positive quality or talent.

    Try it..

The more you focus on someone else's positive traits, the more positive your view of the world around you becomes.  You'll start to see things in terms of possibilities rather than obstacles, and focus on the positive rather than the negative, with others as well as yourself.

That's all for today folks...Enough of my ramblings

...Teresa :D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Hi all: 

I have not been in the forum for a very long time but when I get in here, I reallly do enjoy all the ramblings and happenings.  Not living in Howard anymore and very seldom do I get back, I do enjoy reading about everything.  I am not so good about posting, really no excuse other than no time. 

Just a little rambling of my own, we moved back to Mullinville and hopefully this is the last move for awhile...we are almost professionals at it.  I have two counties now...I manage Kiowa County and also Comanche County.  Keeps me so very busy.  We still own the donut shop in Hutchinson and have 10 acres in the country to keep care of.  The donut shop does so well but we have put it up for sale, because we are very tired of living apart and just really slap out tired. haha.  Curt stays in Hutch during the week, brings all the bookwork home on the weekend for me to do in between all the mowing, landscaping and all that jazz and then he goes back to Hutch on Sunday and my week is work work work.  But I will try to do better when I have a moment and I would like to say, thank you for all of you that do work so hard in this site...it really looks good and it is really a lot of fun to sit back and just enjoy what is here.  I know that there is a lot of work to keep something like this going and I for one say "Hip Hip Hoorey"  One more thing before I sign off...I do wish my onery nephew would change that scary picture...it is horrible even though it does resemble my sis a little. hahahaha...sorry for being mean...I think I read if you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything...well...I messed that one up. hahaha...I do love that sister of mine and scary or not...that won't change.  Thanks again everyone for making this a fun and great site. 

Jo McDonald

Hello to all from the North country.  Fred and I have been in Minnesota since the first week of May...the weather is ideal right now. Upper 40's in the early morning and then it warms up to the lower 80's during the day.  It is very dry now and we need rain, as the grass is starting to die here in this county where we are, but not so in the surrounding area.  Fishing has picked up some, but has not been as good as in the past.  But as the bumper sticker says.."A bad day fishing is better than a good day working"  Our thoughts exactly, even though we both have done our years of working, our life style now is wonderful and we enjoy all the friends we have made from south Texas to the far northern parts of Minnesota.  So we have a lot of extended family that we enjoy being with.
  I miss being "home - Howard, KS" during this time --- I LOVE THE FOURTH OF JULY celebrations and the time with family. The louder the noise of the fireworks the bigger I grin !!
   I pray for the safety of our beloved grandsons and all the rest of the volunteer firemen and all others that shoot the fireworks for the enjoyment of others.  And we give thanks everyday for the brave service people in our armed forces giving of themselves for the safety of all of us and enabling us to enjoy our freedom to celebrate life like we do.
   Wishing all who read the great forum a safe and happy Fourth of July.  God Bless !!!

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