When Is It Time To Stand ...........

Started by Teresa, July 14, 2008, 11:27:52 PM

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I have been reading and learning as much as I can regarding this countries future and direction prior to the Pres. election. They come from all the resources and historical references I can find.  Is there a  good answer?.. NOT REALLY.

  Thanks to a friend of mine, who reminds me to not be too pessimistic, I'm trying to seek out avenues of thought that might help to make sense of it all. For those on this forum who have  prayed for people that needed help, to praying for other things big or small.. we see the power of  prayer, and Thank God for the outcomes.

Can the same be done for this nation? I don't know.

I ran across an interesting post and thought I would post it here for those interested.


It's written by a ghost writer:   A. Citizen.
With everything else going on in our country, remembering our Founding Fathers, still rings true today, and the spiritual nature of our heritage should never be forgotten.

So .. when is the time to stand up for "us?"
The time to stand is every day, every second of every day.

Every time someone tries to push only one half of the freedom of religion clause of the 1st Amendment.

Every time someone tries to invent rights that do not exist while denying rights that are clearly enumerated.

Every time a government official (or some smarmy business type) tries to compel you to do things that are wrong, especially with the lame ass excuse "Just doing my job".

Be positive, be pessimistic, but BE in the moment, and do not ever waver.

That is when it is time to stand up.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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