To Be A Better Me

Started by Warph, July 10, 2008, 02:26:53 AM

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Since I'm not too far along in the self-improvement quest, (so my ex-wife keeps telling me), I still worry a great deal about how others perceive me.  I would have purchased a book on being a better me but, the check out lady, as well as every customer in the airport bookstore would know I'm not the best 'me' I can possibly be.  I guess I don't want them to know that.  One of my insecurities is trying to make everyone think I have no insecurities.

I guess I just couldn't take a store full of travelers, I'll likely never see again, thinking I have doubts about myself that are so great I need to purchase a book to alleviate them.  Besides, the Atlanta Airport was a hub; perhaps I would see some of them on a future journey.

I would like to take a break from my usual practice of opining on politics in America and speak to you about self improvement.

As I was walking through the airport the other day getting ready to fly back to Phoenix, I saw a rather large display for a new book entitled, "Be a Better You."

I guess the title hit home because I had coincidentally been trying to become a better me with little to no success of late.  I might have even become a worse me while attempting to become a better me.

Anyway, since I already had a book to read on the plane, ("Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies... Are Scamming Us... and What to Do About It" by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann) and didn't have another $20 burning a hole in my pocket, I decided against purchasing the book.

Wait, perhaps I should take a step back.

One of the things I want to change about myself is not worrying about what others think.

But as I settled into my seat on the plane, accepting the fact that I would not be able to become a better me until a paperback version of "Be a Better You" was released online at which point I would order the book cheaply and anonymously... Alibris, I suspect... I started to think... and Like Glenn Beck, I'm a thinker... that if all of us that had a passion for politics became better people, perhaps we could push past all of this partisan bickering and come together as one - because if we feel better about ourselves, we likely won't feel the need to lash out against others simply because we have a difference of opinion.

If we come to this forum for heated political debate knowing how hard we have worked to become the best people we can possibly be, perhaps we would think twice about tearing each other down.

Sorry, I guess I didn't take a break from writing about politics; but I think it's important to realize that self improvement helps us all.  I'm sure everyone would agree with this realization.  Right?  Right.  So, until "Be A Better You" comes out in paperback, and I'm able to read it, cover to cover and putting into practice to 'be a better me,' let me leave you with this question:    Holy J C... What in the hell was Jesse Jackson thinking when he decided he needed to castrate Obama?
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


 ;D ;D I get to save my $20 cause I won't need this book.  YOU CAN'T IMPROVE PERFECTION.  :angel:


Warph, will you lend me theat Obama book? I'd like to know what I'm up against! And I wonder about Jesse also!  ??? ???


Warph, oh my gosh, beneath that right wing, sh** disturbing, hard exterior, exists the heart of a true renaissance  man on a quest to better himself. I believe that with your above statement I can get you in to have a face to face with Nancy Pelosi, if you come and visit me in SF Bay Area. If that doesn't work we can always tell her about the HPRAW conspiracy.(This statement is said with the most teasing, humorous intent so no one flame me).



Quote from: dnalexander on July 10, 2008, 05:23:17 PM
Warph, oh my gosh, beneath that right wing, sh** disturbing, hard exterior, exists the heart of a true renaissance  man on a quest to better himself.

Warph... Hard exterior? sh** disturbing? ( get a visual on THAT one. )  ;D
Dang... Warph.. you've made it to the big time... *smiling and grinning*

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