What do you do?

Started by Wilma, March 30, 2007, 08:01:28 AM

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I not only can easily put things off, but I can use the excuse that I have adult onset ADHD.  I will try to do 10 other things at a time to try to save time, and not end up getting any of them done well or to the completed stage.  In my case, if I procrastinate long enough, I may very well forget what it was that I was going to do anyway, because 18 other things have entered my mind that I think I can do all at the same time.  So, I may begin to scrub and wax my hard wood floors, but when I get the mops out it will remind me that I was going to do something on the stairway where I keep the mops.  THen that will lead me down to the basement, where all my seasonal things are stored, which will remind me there was something upstairs I was going to put with the things in the basement.  Going up the upstairs steps, I will notice a picture hanging crooked which will lead me look through other pictures I might want to frame. I have a whole box of frames in the basement, so I will go back down there, but not before trying to find a certain picture that I have in mind to hang.    See what I mean?  By the end of the day, I am too worn out to do anything about the hard wood floors and besides that, I can't remember where I put my mops anyway!   The mind is an amazing thing, huh?


Well, I got my sprig of lilacs, but not from the bush across the alley.  And more than a sprig.  Janet brought me several big branches from her neighbors.  I love the fragrance of them


I have been reading this thread again because I am at that place again.  Something that needs to be done and I am finding all sorts of things to keep me from doing it.  This time it is some sewing that needs to be finished, but by the time that I have unloaded the sewing machine, it is time to do something else.  I thought I would start it this morning, then remembered that I had to write some checks and get them in the mail.  I did get the sewing machine unloaded, put everything on my bed and I have just now piled it all back on the sewing machine.  I used to sew in another room, away from my bed, where if I laid something down it could just stay there until I got back to it.  But whatever lands on my bed has to be taken care of so I can go to bed.

So has it gone all day and I never did find the time to actually start to sew.  Maybe tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is another day.  If anyone has a cure for this malady, I wish you would share it.  That sewing really needs to get done.


I think I do have the onset of adult ADHD!!  What was I saying?? What was I doing??? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Wilma, you don't ADHD, you have a case of procrastination.  I know cause I got it to, bad. :-\


Lists.  I make lists.  And I make lists about my lists.  That helps keep me on track for what needs to be done.  If I have a list sitting on the bar, then I see it all the time and it makes me procrastinate less.  But if I don't have a list, then I just think about the things I "should" be doing... and do nothing.
In fact, I'm making a list right now about needing to make a list!  Just kidding.   :P

Diane Amberg

I'm a list maker too, plus my big master calendar. Right now I should be working up a bit of a lesson plan for next Tuesday. A friend is bringing her teen aged autistic summer program kids to the fire house for a tour and a program.  I've never done this particular group before so I've got to work up something age and skill level appropriate for them. I just can't get started. Maybe I'll go check the tomatoes first. :laugh:

Roma Jean Turner

I am amazed at how busy I can feel, getting so little done, in an attempt to avoid paper work. :-[

Diane Amberg

Well, I went out to check on the toms. The critters (deer) savaged my plants last night. I'm not sure how they got through the fence. They finished the lettuce, enjoyed the last of the peas and pruned everything else. I think the green beans will survive and I did take a nice picking from them, but the cukes look pretty funny with their flattop hair cuts. I doubt it will bother them too much. The toms got a bit of a trim, which frankly they needed. I should have some nice ones in a few days. We've only had a couple so far.. They left the squash alone and I'm getting tons of them now. As usual, the neighbors will get some nice ones tomorrow, and cukes too.


Diane, I just checked my Tomatoes and Peppers  a few minutes ago, I have some more Bananna Peppers ready to pick and a some big tomatoes and some Cherry tomatoes. Myrna splits the Bananna Peppers and puts Pieapple cream cheese in them and I really like them, she said we would have BLTs tonite. I raised my garden and it has really done well in all of the rain, we have had 40 inches of rain so far this year, that is just 2 inches less than our annual total rainfall.

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