What exactly is a patriot?

Started by Warph, July 06, 2008, 09:52:35 AM

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There is no better example of patriotism than the oneness demonstrated by 1,215 members of the United States Armed Forces as they reenlisted on July 4, 2008 while serving our nation in a combat zone. What could possibly account for an act such as that other than truly being proud defenders of our country and its way of life?

"Volunteering to continue to serve our nation, while deployed – is both noble and inspiring. It is, as award citations often state, in keeping with the finest traditions of our military services." - Gen. David Petraeus, Commanding General, Multi-National Force – Iraq. " Amen to that General.

What about the only people who are in a position to engage in the economic war that is being waged against our country now by oil producing and terrorist subsidizing states and who have refused to take any action to defend the way of life of most Americans? Is that patriotism?

If 535 men and women in Washington, DC could put aside silly politics and act for one week with the single focus, as do our serving men and women, to protect and preserve the greatest country God ever blessed, there would be no more energy crisis. There would be no economic crisis. American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen could spend their next 4th of July with their families and marching in parades in America's streets rather than on patrol in Iraqi streets or in Afghanistan.

That, ladies and gentlemen of the United States Congress would be a true act of patriotism – both noble and inspiring and deserve the love and thanks of men and women.  -- J.D.Pendry CSM, U.S.Army (Ret.)


Our Pariots at work this July Weekend:

Sunday, 06 July 2008  Iraqi, MND-B Soldiers seize weapons caches, detain suspected criminals in Baghdad 
Sunday, 06 July 2008  MND-B Soldiers discover munitions in east Rashid 
Sunday, 06 July 2008  MND-B Soldiers detain three suspected criminals (Baghdad) 
Sunday, 06 July 2008  Al-Qaeda bombing and foreign terrorist facilitation networks disrupted in precision operations (Bagh 
Sunday, 06 July 2008  Coalition forces capture suspected criminal in Karadah 
Sunday, 06 July 2008  MNC-I Soldier dies of non-battle related causes (Baghdad) 
Saturday, 05 July 2008  ISOF, IA detain eight suspected criminals, kill suicide bomber in separate operations (Ninewah provi 
Saturday, 05 July 2008  1 IP, 1 Iraqi killed; 2 suspected AQI detained in complex attack (Mosul) 
Saturday, 05 July 2008  Al-Qaeda in Iraq networks degraded 
Saturday, 05 July 2008  MND-B Soldiers seize cache in Taji 
Saturday, 05 July 2008  ISOF capture three suspected terrorists, one SG criminal in operations around central Iraq 
Friday, 04 July 2008  ISFs, ISOFs detain seven suspected Special Groups criminals in two separate operations in Amarah 
Friday, 04 July 2008  ISOF, ISF demonstrate capabilities through independent operations (Baghdad) 
Friday, 04 July 2008  Ramadi, Fallujah SWAT capture three suspected AQI cell members near Fallujah 
Friday, 04 July 2008  New school opens in Umm Qasr 
Friday, 04 July 2008  MND-B Soldiers detain 5 suspected criminals (Rashid) 
Friday, 04 July 2008  Iraqi Artifacts recovered near Ad Dwar in Salah ad Din province 
Friday, 04 July 2008  IA Soldiers recover cache near Janabi Village 
Friday, 04 July 2008  More than 1,000 re-enlist on Camp Victory, Baghdad 
Friday, 04 July 2008  MND-B Soldiers detain suspected IED maker in Rashid district 
Friday, 04 July 2008  Explosion kills 2 Iraqi civilians, wounds 1 near Yarmouk Hospital 
Friday, 04 July 2008  Explosion kills 2 Iraqi civilians, wounds 1 near Yarmouk Hospital 
Friday, 04 July 2008  ISF, MND-B Soldiers seize weapons in Baghdad 
Friday, 04 July 2008  Video Available: More than 1,000 re-enlist on Camp Victory, Baghdad 
Friday, 04 July 2008  Iraqis are safer after Al-Qaeda foreign terrorists networks thwarted 
Friday, 04 July 2008  Local citizens help stop an IED operation (Baghdad) 



"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

It is a fine act indeed, but the re-up money doesn't hurt either. I have a couple of young fire house friends who got home to stay recently and the stories they have to tell... well, let's just say I'm glad they are home.


....and they deserve every penny and benny they get for putting their life on the line.  I have three nephews and 2 of them have just finished their fourth tour in Iraq and Afghanistan and one on his third tour of Afghanistan.  All for the USMC.  I think they deserve compensation, don't you.   :)
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

All of them true warriors and deserving of the the best. Can we get them Teresa's famous massages when they get home? What a treat that would be. Hmmm, can we send her over there? We could set her up in a nice tent and I think the marines would be lined up for miles! :D


My gosh.. I would have to have a gallon of liniment and a bag of pain pills for mew to keep going. :D
But I'd try..  I 'd do my very best to help those boys muscles feel better. And I bet that they have some muscle knots and stress that would take some digging into.
Bless their hearts.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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