Today, Glenn Beck called Obama "the Manchurian Candidate."

Started by Warph, June 30, 2008, 08:04:48 PM

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 Before you point your fingers and Judge Make sure your on hands are clean..


Right on Tallerthanmost!! Echo! Echo! Yes we can. It is time for the United States to grow up and really be what we say that we are. We need to care for one another, and put each other to the forefront. To the far right, if that is too liberal , then I am sorry that is the way you feel. We have an excellent chance to unite this country by electing this candidate. How better to set an example than to come from his background and end up where he is now?

We need to stop allowing big industry and big oil run our government and demanding the blood of our young people to protect their interests. We need to stop allowing big industry exporting our jobs and then importing the goods whilst benefiting from the tax breaks they receive. We need to stop favoring the rich, no matter how much they whine, income tax should be just that; income tax, and FICA should be just that; FICA. We need to stop the lobbyists from having so much influence in Washington. We don't need 'em! Get rid of 'em!

We need to get out of Iraq, and this unwinnable war. How long will young people be willing to sacrifice their lives for this? How long before the draft? What purpose is the war in Iraq?

We need to clean up education; get the stuff out of the classroom and the teachers in there. Pay a good teacher well, and get rid of the poor ones. Look into tenure as  a start.

We need to look to energy efficiency in all public buildings. Why should tax dollars be going to air condition/ heat a public building that is inefficient.

We need to look at fair pricing at the chain food stores. I really think that some are using the fuel as an opportunity to gain even greater profit. This after driving out local competition with unrealistic low pricing. Maybe we need to start to use the price ceiling again like after WWII when inflation was rampant.

I agree with Senator Obamas views on the technology for the land. He advocates an all paperless society and high speed internet in every home. I have noticed that in every business, every medical facility, and nearly every sales facility, paper is used as well as computers. What a duplication of effort and a waste of efficiency for paper.

Post away TTM, I like your style!! :laugh: :-* :-*


Tallerthanmost I understand what you are saying and agree with some and disagree with some. I welcome a healthy debate on all issues. My specific disagreement was with your characterization that people were spouting the Bible. I have lived in many diverse places and have often been the "odd man out" when it comes to beliefs. It has been a blessing and has given me a tolerance for many diverse views. Our differences and the great tapestry of people, that make up the United States,  is what makes this country the best place to live in the world. Of all the many diverse forums that I take part in, I have found this to be among the most civil in discussing controversial issues. Your point of view is important to our conversation. To everyone thanks for the unique community that we have here on this forum.



I am amazed and disappointed that this is the philosyphy of someone from Elk County Kansas. Sounds like Socialism with a touch of Communism, certainly doesn't sound like the American Dream that I was taught as a young boy, "work hard and you can accomplish anything you want to". If you put in a government that controls everything, you may be very disappointed at the freedoms you loose.

momof 2boys

Just what exactly sounded like socialism and communism.

A better education for our youth, energy effeciency, getting rid of lobbyist that control and corrupt our government, or a citizen's concern over a very difficult war?  Which of these topics makes you Anti-American?


I am certain that any issue that deals with big oil and controlling the rape of the American people whilst they profit would seem to be socialistic to this poster. Since he lives, eats, and breathes on the oil market, he feels threatened at the loss of these unfair profits by big oil. Be certain to conserve on  your gasoline consumption so there will be more for them to trade at even higher prices! The golden oxen is being threatened!

Quote from: frawin on July 03, 2008, 10:23:12 PM
I am amazed and disappointed that this is the philosyphy of someone from Elk County Kansas. Sounds like Socialism with a touch of Communism, certainly doesn't sound like the American Dream that I was taught as a young boy, "work hard and you can accomplish anything you want to". If you put in a government that controls everything, you may be very disappointed at the freedoms you loose.


SDM, then American Oil industry is made up of Millions of hard working people and the American oil Companies are owned by the people, Millions of them as  employees, stockholders, retrirement plans and individual investments. The Ameican oil industry was instrumental in developing nearly all of the worlds current reserves and is the primary reason you  and all of the U.S. has enjoyed unlimited cheap energy for the past 100 years. If you put added tax on the oil indusrtr you will only be reducing their investments in future energy and creating even greater shortages. As far as your remarks about me personally, I have worked very hard for 40 years to learn the oil and gas marketing and transportation business and I am very proud of it. I am 67 years old and I continue to work every day because I enjoy it and I don't believe in setting around doing nothing.  The American oil Companies do not set the price of world oil.
Frank Winn


WOW...I just got back into town and popped on my computer to find out what the good people of the forum were doing and find a mini-war going on...and it sounds like ttm and minnie have been on the phone comparing notes.  It is mindboggling to see how polarized this thread has become. 

David, I was grateful for your coming through, once again, with the common touch...we are all in this together.  Frank, I am really proud of you for your tolerance in the face of such intolerance.  TTM, you need to remember that the only thing that was an issue was your broad statement that there were people quoting copiously from the Bible...which wasn't happening in the least.  I read your latest post and liked what I read...until the comment regarding clean hands.  At the risk of REALLY upsetting you,  let me quote a better man..."let those without sin be the first to cast their stone"...and I'm pretty sure that leaves ALL of us out...even me...if you can imagine! ::) 

Come on, guys...Frank is undeniably one of the brightest minds on here, which is obvious from his well-written and fact-filled posts...and the fact that he has enjoyed his chosen work over his lifetime is to his credit...I wish there were more people who were as internally motivated and pragmatic in their views as Frank.  David falls in that category, too, as well as the undeniable category of DIPLOMAT.  I can't understand where ttm and Minnie (who stated that it is too bad that Obama and people like him are being persecuted for their beliefs...I believe that persecution is a strong word for someone who willingly enters the political arena, knowing what type of activities are involved in politics to begin with) are coming from, since I cannot comprehend anyone having such blind allegiance to anything, much less a political figure...I have spent too many years around too wide a variety of people...and such blindness is reminiscent of earlier decades when there were other 'leaders' who inspired such hysterical reponses on the part of their followers...and the years that followed those 'leaders' were tragic for the entire civilized world.  Support a candidate...even throw your hard-earned monies after them, if you absolutely must...but keep your eyes open to what they truly are...not just what they would promise to be...and that goes for both of the presumed candidates.


momof 2boys

Catwoman, I would like to address your comment about myself having such blind allegiance to anything, much less  a political figure.  Just where in my comments have I ever showed allegiance to any one candidate.  In this thread I was simply asking Frank, whom I also believe to be an intelligent man, that it was irresponsible to call someone anti-American simply for their beliefs just because they aren't his beliefs. 

Don't you even presume to know where my allegiances lie and I will assure you that I am not blind to any issues what-so-ever!
So, you need to take a step back before you start pointing fingers and calling people out!  And the reason you don't know where I am coming from is that you don't know what my beliefs are! 

I have not attacked anyone or said that their beliefs are wrong, unlike you, I was just pointing out Frank's response to SDM (which has since been modified) said that her beliefs were not American was tasteless.


Oh, Minnie...this is the exact type of vitreolic crap that I was referring to in one of my earlier posts...I most certainly was not 'calling anyone out'...I gave up that activity long before the 4th Grade.  The only thing I said regarding you was that I didn't understand where you were coming from...and I still don't.  You claim not to have stated an allegiance to any one candidate, yet your posts would seem to indicate a very strong tie to Obama.  Even though the blind allegiance comment was originally directed more at some others on this site who seem to lean to the far, far left, you would seem to fit that bill, if I'm reading all of your earlier posts correctly.  My only fault here was probably not being specific enough.  The main purpose of my post was to try to get everyone to calmly discuss the issues and leave the personal attacks out of it.  You are doing nothing but proving my point, that we need calm discourse, all over again.   

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