Hi! My family is really interested in moving to Howard, Moline, or Severy, KS

Started by Samantha, June 30, 2008, 07:43:28 AM

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Ok are yall tired of me yet?  I have a few more questions...

When is dove season in Kansas?

What are the temperatures in the middle of the summers and the dead of winter?  We're in Texas, so our winters are about 0 degrees (at the very lowest) and our summers get up to about 110 degrees.  We also only get like a TOTAL of 2 inches of snow a year.

And last, my husband is terrified that yall won't know what chicken fried steak is.  I know it sounds silly, but just humor him :D
Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death.  *James F Byrnes


 ;D ;D ;D We're in mid-america, but we're thoroughly modern.  Temps in mid-july and august can be a bit hot hot hot - triple digits, and mid winter can get down to -5 degrees.  One difference between here and Texas I found is Kansas does not have as high a humidity, which helps some.  When I visited Dallas, humidity was my biggest complaint.  As for dove season, some guy will have to let you know that.  Chicken fried steak?  Get one at most any restaurant in the State of Kansas.  Swinging Bridge Cafe in Moline serves a very good chicken fried steak.  Keep those questions coming, cause we got to get you guys settled in this wonderful neck of the woods.


Dove season starts on Sept. 1st and runs till I think the end of October.

(We have excellent dove hunting!) which is good because the quail and prairie chicken hunting has gone into the tank!

Middle of summer is comparable to east Texas as we have some humidity with our heat, but 100 isn't uncommon.

Winters vary, but we have this wonderful thing that influences the cold and that is wind!!!!  It can get awful at times, but most generally lows in the single digits at worst and highs in the teens at the worst of it.

Chicken fried steak can be found on almost all menu's!!!!

Jo McDonald

There are many advantages to living in Howard - opposed to Moline.  Now, don't get all riled up, anyone, the reasoning for this is, a grocery store - a pharmacy - a hardware store - the Court House the swimming pool -- that is just to mention a few.  Molne is a GREAT TOWN,  but with small children I think Howard in the long haul would benefit you much more.
  And do we know what Chicken Fried Steak is????? Ohhhhhhh You Betcha!!!! Poplar Pizza had the BEST as far as we are concerned and it gets about the same temps here that you have in the summer, but the winters are much colder - with snow and ice .. But that way, you have a well rounded climate and good healty air to breath.
  Come to Howard -- Look around and smile all the way back to Texas, thinking you will soon be a Howardite !!


Samantha, it depends on what part of Texas you are moving from.  I lived in West Texas for 27 years and there were times when we virtually had no humidity.  11  or 12 was considered high!!!!  I grew up there in Kansas where you are looking at and I've seen the temp drop to -10 in the winter.  You're right, Texas doesn't get too much snow unless you live in the mountains.  Where we lived, we could get a snow knee deep, and it would be gone in about 24 hours.  Expect snow to stay on the ground longer up that way.  If you are coming from DFW area, yes, the humidity is quite high there, but I can tell you it is also high in Kansas, especially if you are coming from a desert area.  There are lots of lakes and rivers up around there.  When we would come home for a visit, it was hard on us.  Yes, there are chicken fried steaks in Kansas.    The people are nice and friendly.  We live in NE Oklahoma now and go up there quite often as we have friends and relatives in the area.  So, what part of Texas are you coming from?  That is the question--


Chicken Fried Steak is the National Steak of Kansas.  What Part of Texas, I lived in Midland for almost 28 years. Midland the former home of former President Bush, and also now  Presdent Bush and the really neat Texan First  Lady Laura Bush. I did lots of Dove Hunting in West Texas, I have hunted dove in lots of places but I have never seen the Dove Hunting in the States that is as good as West Texas. Hope you move to Kansas and enjoy it. We loved Midland, 13 inches a year annual rainfall, little or snow or ice. I was born and raised in Howard Kansas and lived there for 25 years, I left it but it has always remained number one as home to me.
Frank Winn


 ;D ;D I said when I visited Dallas that humidity was ONE of my complaints.  The other was the pace at which all the residents seem to go at.  Rush rush rush.  Guess this is why you never seen many older people. lol .  My daughter called once laughing - they had gotten an ice storm which was unusual for that area and she said the people had no idea how to drive on it.  Rush to the stop sign then break and  sllllllllliiiiiiiidddddddddeeeeeeeee right on through.  If they did get stopped they tromped on the gas when the light turned green and ssssssllllllliiiiiiiiiiiidddddddd right where they set.  This was probably not everyone, but she got a grin out of it.  Weather wise every location has it's good and bad moments.  We've had some very mild winters and some very harsh winters.  Summers are the same way.  Some very wet ones, some very dry ones.  You know the saying, I suppose, that if you don't like the weather in Kansas, just wait a minute, it'll change.


Frank, 13 inches annual rainfall?  We got that in 10 days here just a couple weeks ago.  ;D


That's right Flo.  It was desert where we lived.  One year we had 36 inches during the time we lived there.  Very very unusual.  we did have ice that year off and on through the winter, but most of the time 12-13 inches of rain was all we got.  Dallas can have lots of ice.  Our daughter lived there for several years--she went to school in Denton and worked in Dallas after that.  They called and told them not to come to work for a day or two and bridges over the lakes are closed at times and you have to find a way around.  East Texas also has ice.  We have a son living there.  They have to wrap the palm trees to keep them from freezing out.

P.S.  Flo, this year Midland has had 3" this year.  Frank talks to them every day down there.


We are moving from a little bitty community just outside of Wichita Falls.  We are less than 10 miles from the Red River.  We have family here and family in Oklahoma - which is why we decided on Kansas  ;D.  Its a little over 5 hours from here, which is far enough away that we won't have all the family drama but still close enough to visit on weekends.  I hope that doesn't make us sound horrible!  We've both been in this area practically our whole lives and we're ready for some new people and places!

What kind of churches are in Howard?

We are planning on spending a weekend up there in the next few weeks, but I think we are looking at October to move.  Unless we get up there and find an incredible house and job for hubby!!   ;D
Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death.  *James F Byrnes

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