Hi! My family is really interested in moving to Howard, Moline, or Severy, KS

Started by Samantha, June 30, 2008, 07:43:28 AM

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We've been discussing moving for a while and everytime we start researching places to live we end up on Kansas.  After researching the towns and economy and school systems, we're really interested in Howard.
How would I go about finding a home to buy/rent?  Realtor.com only lists 4 houses, and we really wanted to rent for a while until we decided if Kansas is the place for us.
I was also wondering what type of stores were in each of those towns, is there a grocery store close?  or would we have to drive into surrounding towns like Wichita (which we've figured is about 75 miles away).

Any insight you could give us would definately be appreciated!

Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death.  *James F Byrnes

Rudy Taylor


I'll let the locals tell you all about the local advantages, but I can tell you this: You'll never regret moving to Howard.

I live 50 miles away in Caney, and I always enjoy driving into Howard and feeling an air of friendliness and relaxation. The pace is slow. The people are wonderful.  And you will be far away from the big-city problems that have really started to plague society.

Come on down.

It truly is "a wonderful life."


Hey Samantha...

If you're looking to buy or rent, two places to start would be either the City Office in Howard or Jerry Hubble, who was in real estate when I was last there.  I would imagine that either source could point you in the right direction.  I agree with Rudy...you will truly enjoy living in Howard...I certainly did.  You might experience a bit of culture shock initially, if you're a big city person, but once you're acclimated you'll find it to be wonderful.  The key is getting out to Toot's (on the highway) or out to Poplar Pizza (on the main drag) and sitting down with the local gentry.  They'll all be glad to meet you!


Well the community we live in now has about 200 people, but I grew up in a town about 20 miles from home that had 10,000 people, and work in a town about 30 miles from home that has about 100,000 people.
Our community doesn't have a school, so I have to shuttle the kids 20 miles north to school then turn around and drive another 25 miles west to work, then the whole thing again when I get off in the evening.  We love the small town feeling, and we're already used to driving at least a half hour to get anywhere.
Where is the school the Howard kids attend?  (I think maybe Moline?)  Anyways, the average us school spends just over $6000 per student - but Howard spends over $8300.  And the cost of living seems to be lower, and the crime rate is definately lower.

Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death.  *James F Byrnes


Our high school and junior high are just south of Howard.  The lower grades are bussed to Severy, 12 miles to the north  or Moline, 8 miles south.  This has been the arrangement since the new high school building was completed and I can't remember just when that was, sometime in the mid 70's I think.  Heather, do you know about this?

On another thread, School Changes, you can read about what is being considered.  Mom70X7, you could help with this, too.  We have gobs of people that know more about Howard than I do and they will be on here later.  So, just hang with us.  Your questions will be answered.


ok here is what i know samantha i live in howard just graduated from moline 6th grade and am going to west elk...anyways moline pre-k kdg 1-3 are at moline and pre-k kdg. and 4-6 are at severy and 7th-12th are at howard  i grew up in howard i love it very much and  we have toot's&populars to eat at and family market grocery store and batsons drug store in moline there is the swimging bridge or whatever it is called now (when you drive in you will see it right away) and in severy there is the bar and thats really it and what ages are your kids
               and there is a house on pennsylvania street big blue house in howard
Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.


Guess I better jump in here.  Samantha, I grew up in Severy and lived there for almost 60 years.  Thriving town THEN but now there is next to nothing.  The bar Heather mentioned closed a couple years ago.  There is no grocery store.  There is a banking branch out of Eureka and the Co-op and that's it.  For a few years there was a "convenience" store, but that too has closed.  There is the school, which is changing it appears, so all first graders through third graders will be bused to Moline, which is 18 miles m/l plus any time rural children will be on the their regular bus routes.  When I sold my place in Severy just short of 3 yrs ago I moved to Howard.  I find it a nice, quiet, friendly community.  I knew a lot of people already so wasn't like moving to a strange town.  There are places to eat out, two banks, grocery, pharmacy w/ gift shop, large friendly hardware store, large nursing home, floral shop, 2 or 3 beauty shops, car repair shops, insurance offices, abstract/title office, Tax preparation/bookkeeping offices, two parks, swimming pool, just to name a few.  Housing, I'm not sure.  When I bought my house, it was the only one for sale at the time.  Since then there have been several.  I would imagine it depends a lot on how big a home you need and what your budget demands.  Give Howard some thought, you'll be glad you did.  ;D 

PS - how could I have forgotten - Howard also has 4 churches, if I counted right.  There are churches in Severy and Moline also, with Moline having a Catholic Church in addition to protestant churches.


I'm not sure of anything for rent in Howard at this time, but you can always call the city office. (620) 374-2202 There are quite a few houses for sale in Howard.

Batson's Pharmacy and Family Market are all in the same place, as well as the gift shop. We also have a hardware store (Cookson's), 2 banks, 2 gas stations (one of which is a service station also). We have a large nursing home. Also a laundry mat, floral shop, soap shop, and 2 veterinarian clinics.

The schools are wonderful. The businesses can order anything you'd like that they don't already have. We also have several people, some members of the forum, who sell farm fresh eggs, as well as garden produce.

Howard has a beautiful lake and also a city swimming pool. Also, a city library. Not sure if the bar (Penny's Pub) is still open or what the hours are there. We have a health clinic on Wabash street (the main drag) which is a branch of the Eureka Hospital.

A few area realtors are

# J P Weigand and Sons, Inc.   620_374_2400
1230 State Hwy 99, Howard, KS 67349
Residental, Commercial and Farm
Judy Nungesser, Realtor, E-mail: jnung@sktc.net Route # 1, Howard, KS 67349

# Longhorn Reality   620_374_2012
Residental and Farm
Jerry Hubbell, Salesperson

# Sundgren Realty   620_330_2438
1681 Native, Howard, KS 67349
Liz Hendricks: lperkins@terraworld.net
Specializing in rural and recreational properties


LOL I was posting the same time as flo.

But, Flo, there is a new bar in Severy that Ervin's have opened in the old convenience store/cafe. 


Hi Samantha! I moved to from Indiana to Kansas in 2001, and have never regretted it. My husband moved here in 2002 from Washington State and he's very happy here as well. We lived in Wichita until this past December, when we moved to our "nontraditional" home (a former church) in Howard. It's a great place to live and raise a family, and though I'm just learning the ropes here, I'd say the same is true in all the small towns in this part of the state.

Housing is indeed an issue, as there aren't many places for rent or sale. The Flint Hills Express classifieds list rentals/houses for sale, but most are in Sedan or other towns farther south of Elk County. Sedan and Eureka aren't too far from here, less than 30 miles, so that's an option.

The biggest hurdle is finding work without driving to one of the larger towns every day. I was blessed to find a job at an insurance agency here, and I'd say it's easier for women to find a job than for men. Unless you are a business professional and can set up shop, there aren't many employment options. The good news is the cost of living is very reasonable here so you don't have to make tons of money to survive.

I don't have school-aged children but from what I hear (and the teachers I've met) the school system here is terrific.

As you have probably noticed, Elk County folks are friendly, helpful and genuinely down-to-earth. We hope you'll decide to become part of our community!

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