OBAMA: The Man In The Empty Suit

Started by Warph, June 29, 2008, 12:33:19 AM

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Diane Amberg

I'm not disagreeing with any of you , but isn't all the money spent on campaigns going to pay printers who make the posters, the restaurants where they all eat, the clothes they buy, the t-shirts they have made up, the newspapers they read, the guy who sells the balloons they fly, the vehicles they rent and purchase, and on and on. Then there are the piles of reporters who follow them around.They spend too. Aren't they for the most part just working stiffs? The conventions in a few months will drop a bundle in the cities where they are held...is that a bad thing? Or would you rather see the same money spent in a different way? I'd like to see the huge amounts of money that goes to professional sports spent differently also, but then a lot of people who make their living, not as players, but in related jobs couldn't make a buck. The people who donate to any campaign must have the money, or they wouldn't do it.

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