Students Trample on Old Glory

Started by Teresa, June 28, 2008, 02:16:50 AM

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I agree on all counts! Learned at a young age is never forgotten. Laid aside for a time maybe, but not forgotten. This would be a worthwhile project for the scouts also, both Girl and Boy Scouts. And church groups; we have a myriad of places and kinds of worship but one flag. It would be worthwhile for them to devote some time to the flag. How about a little class at the pool this summer?


How about a little "Kids, fireworks are fun and colorful (and expensive), but let's also talk about WHY we celebrate the 4th of July which will be this Friday".  You teach them the true reason for Christmas, don't you? and Thanksgiving, don't you? Veteran's day, don't you? Memorial Day, don't you? they also need to know why we celebrate July 4th, why we fly the American Flag, the proper respect for those who defend our American Flag, and how to take care of the American Flag.  They can't handle a big flag to fold, but they could sure learn using one of those smaller ones, couldn't they? Teach them to stand at attention when our Flag passes by in a parade, to stand and salute over their heart when our National Anthem is played or sang.  Oh, Oh, time for me to shut up.  But on a last note, my husband and I taught our three daughters and they remember and have in turn taught theirs.


One more thing I did not know; Thank you to Dale for posting the flag regulations. I did not know that one should cross their heart when the flag is passing in a parade. I do know that it always felt right, but didn't know it was part of the code. See, we could all stand to brush up on Old Glory. I think for next year I am going to suggest that the Legion give a program on flag etiquette for M&L club. Hope that they will do it!


Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts learn about how to treat the flag with respect.   Susan


Yes, they do learn that, but it would be nice to pass it on to others.


How about 4H?  They surely learn about the flag.


Oops! I forgot about 4H, they would be ideal to teach others. Great projects for next year and coming years. How about it leaders?


You know I mentioned in another thread about me kinda sorta taking a 28 yr old  (4yr marine vet) under my wing. ..Well, I had put this up on our Down range Forum.. and we have lots of comments on it. This one is from Kevin... Thought you all might want to hear his reaction.

I haven't had a chance to read everyones replies on here, this is the first thread I opened up and looked at this morning and after seeing this video I wanted to post while emotion is still strong.

I sit here with a tear on my cheek,  I am someone deeply effected by this video as I am sure many of you are. For those of you that I have had a chance to get to know on here, know that I have been through alot and I am not that good at emotion. But something about this had sparked something deep inside me.

That woman (if you can call her that) with the short hair, is all that is wrong with America. She stands there like she is important and believes she is strong and doing the right thing, by disgracing someone that has done more in a 5 min period for me and you, than that woman will ever do for us in her life.   She stands there as this man shows the heart and soul of America and what we once were as a nation, and tells him she will have someone remove him from the premises thinking she is doing the right thing. She stands there with her hands folded and bids someone else to her dirty work. This image\video should be shown around the US to show what is wrong with America. You have one person who will stand up and fight for his rights and protect all whom he can (Action). And then you have him surrounded by people with hands folded saying something.(Words).

She is like so many people here in Washington State. That is why it hurts so bad. Cause I know exactly how that vet feels with her in front of him.

This man has bled and probably lost many friends in honor of this flag that he so rightly tries to protect. Yet some kid who has no idea what sacrifice even means stands on it with some stupid sign taped to his back. I wish that kid knew what that man represents and respected him. But he doesn't and I don't know how to help fix that.
I am so sad that I can't even use words to describe the feelings I have. Why didn't that kids parents teach him or why hasn't a teacher influenced him? But then you look and see his teacher mocking the same man and I get so angry.

Sorry that last paragraph there is very unintelligent but I cant tell you how upset I am at that kid, and the problem is there. So many kids that I went to school with that would have done the same thing, the difference is I would be in the video punching the crap out of them.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


 :'( I'm sitting here reading this last post with more tears in my eyes than when I watched the video.  I feel the hurt in Kevin's heart.  I have come to one conclusion and have thought this for a long time.  Our downfall on patriotism started during the "flower-child hippie" era and Vietnam.  Am I right or wrong? That was the beginning, I think, and has steadily gone downhill from there.  yes, "free speech" is important, but so is patriotism for the country we live in, "love it or leave it".  Yes, Vietnam was very very bad, but lots of Americans gave their lives so that these "flower-children" could have their free speech and the right to run north soon as they said it. >:(


Agreed Flo, although I do not think it as simple as that. I think it has a lot to do with disillusionment with the status quo. This breeds revolution, even if it makes no real sense; just revolting to be revolting. Like throwing rocks through windows, it does nobody any good and doesn't make the thrower feel any better either.

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