Food Prices

Started by sixdogsmom, June 24, 2008, 01:58:12 PM

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I just watched a short item on Cnn about the food prices in Hawaii! Wow, makes me feel a little bit better as orange juice is $8.49 1/2 gal, milk $6.49. bread $5.00 a loaf. Whew!

Jo McDonald

I watched that, too.  We went  down town today -- walked around a lot and "shopped"  first by window viewing and then went in and holy buckets, things are high!!  Stopped at Marvin's Grocery - only bought a large container of Clorox wipes - to use for cleaning Fred's new hearing aids -- then went to Wally world - priced the same item there that we bought at Marvins and it was $1.36 higher than what I paid.  I bought a 3# can of Crisco, and it was a whoppin' big $4.68   I nearly fell over.  But if I'm going to bake pies and cookies, I have to have it.  Came home and wondered how in the world do the young families make ends meet?
  Well --- guess this old woman will climb down off her soap box ( for a while anyway..don't get your hopes up, folks, I got down I can get back up    :D :D :D


Jo, I don't consder you are on a soapbox, I like to think you are sharing your wisdom, and I always like the way you make a point.


Since these prices started climbing, I try to buy two of whatever item I am after. I figure the investment is much wiser than in the bank. Not many places can offer a dollar profit on a two dollar investment in a months' time. But it is happening. The last time I found coffee on sale at $6.00, I bought six cans. It is now over $10.00. Storage becomes and issue, but it's woth the trouble.


If prices keep going up then we may have to start Victory gardens for our vegatables.


You know we planted a garden at our house and at the daycare this year.  And do you know what???  It rained so much that I don't think that we have much left.  I wanted to save on veggies for the kids and things like that.  But I might try and replant them, but I think it is almost to late.  :'(
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Fresh Garden produce Always tastes better too.  I am soooooooo ready for the tomatoes to be ready I can hardly wait!!


Dan, I am too, and we are beginning to get some from our garden. You are right, it does taste better!   I just can't bring myself to buy any at the stores (if there are any in the produce depts.).  We were in Galveston about a month ago and I had a hamburger with tomato on it.  Had to sit in the airport to wait for our plane which was 2 hours late and got very ill while there.  Since I was the only one that had fresh tomato, I feel sure I got some of the tainted ones.  So, I am only eating the ones from our garden.  We have some Early Girls and cherry tomatoes now producing along with bell peppers and banana peppers.  YUM

Ole Granny

Picked my first tomato this morning.  Sure was tasty.  I did not share with anyone but it was a cherry tomato.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Got tomatoes on, but none ripe yet! Can't wait!

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