Patriot Guard Riders

Started by DeWitt, May 17, 2006, 01:22:12 PM

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                                      Patriot Guard Riders Mission Statement
   The Patriot Guard Riders is a diverse amalgamation of riders from across the nation. We have one thing in common besides motorcycles. We have an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America's freedom and security. If you share this respect, please join us.

   We don't care what you ride, what your political views are, or whether you're a "hawk" or a "dove". It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you're from or what your income is.  You don't even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect.

   Our main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives.

1. Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.

2. Shield the mourning family and friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors.

   We accomplish the latter through strictly legal and non-violent means.



Thanks for posting this.. I was privilaged to witness this wonderful service when I was in Dodge City a month ago.
Amazing turn out.
There was a lot of tears .. not only tears of sadness for the family of the deceased.. but tears of pride for what the Ghost Riders are doing ..and what it all stands for.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Is there a way to donate to them? to help out with expenses?


You can go to and on the left side of the home page about half way down is a box that says donations you can go there to donate to the Patriot Guard.        Thank You


Thank you for the information! It even takes PayPal, which is very convenient.

I really don't like war at all.  :) As many on the forum know, I'm not even sure I like guns.  ;)

But what the Topeka person is doing is wrong, wrong, wrong! He embarrasses the State of Kansas. One of the ways to make things right, to make the situation better, is what the Patriot Guard is doing.  :angel:

People who are in the service are doing what they think is right. They need to be honored for following their convictions, and their families need to be comforted, not confronted. I'm proud to support the Patriot Guard.  :) :laugh:


I have much respect for the guard and am proud that you are a part of it Brandon.

It is good that you use non-violent and legal means to do your duties..........Be fun to catch one of those guys in an ally though.



  Everyone can join the Patriot Guard,You dont even have to own a bike, as long as you believe in the mission statement! The more people that join the stronger we are and thats the way we want it!! So if you want to join it costs nothing just support the mission here is the link it takes maybe 5 min to do
Thats all there is to it!  I'll be watching the ticker on the Patriot Guard website looking for all of you to join!


Here is some comments from Kjell's other cowboy website CAS CITY... thought you might find it interesting since it goes hand in hand with this topic.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

I did join.  Yes I did.  I love what this group does.  If I ever have a chance, I will be part of this group doing what I can to help keep the respect these families deserve when laying a loved one to rest. 

Proud daughter of a WWII veteran

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