I Wish That the City of Howard would--------

Started by Wilma, June 17, 2008, 03:44:02 PM

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I wish the City of Howard would cut the 6 foot tree that has grown up at the base of the utility pole at the corner of Jefferson and Walnut.


I wish the city of Howard would level the sidewwalks.

W. Gray

Has anyone heard how the street light replacement is coming along?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Dee Gee

I would think the property owner should take care of that tree. ;D
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


I think the city owns the property or the county does.  It is on the corner of the county road yard.  The city mows it.


I would like for someone to explain the responsibility for sidewalks for me.  I have always thought that the property owner was responsible but hope that I am wrong.  Can anyone help?


We just replaced our sidewalk in front of our house on Washington Street in Howard, and we footed the entire bill.  The city paid ONLY for the small part that extended across the alley by the Baptist Church which is the city right-of-way and the small part that went across the ditch onto Oak Street.  The rest is the homeowner's responsibility.   


 I cannot speak for the city of Howard since we live in Moline. However, I am here to say we are very fortunate and grateful to have Robert Wilson as our 'City' man. He treats everyone as a neighbor, if he can help he will, and folks treat him the same way. When they can help with a project it is done as a concerted effort. Sort of like the old days when folks helped one another and the towns were a gathering of people who depended on one another; not a seperate entity such as citizen and city. We have litigation to thank for these attitudes, and I cannot quite blame any city for distancing themselves from their citizens. Too bad we cannot go back and 'redo' some of these things since we can now see the results in hindsight. And too bad that Howard does not seem to have the relationship between city and citizen that we are fortunate enough to have.


I think that we have good city men who has always gone out of their way to do whatever I needed done.
Phil and Tim and Kevin are very helpful and have gone the extra mile in many instances.
No matter what city or town you live in, there is always going to be those who find fault with the way things are done.
There is always things that need to be improved on, and if they are put on the agenda and brought up at the council meetings
( which are open to the public) then I would think that they will get taken care of.  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


We have lived in several different cities in different parts of the U.S., and sidewalks were always the responsibility of the property owner.  We needed some drainage work corrected with the ditch being dredged out, and the City of Howard was very easy to work with.  If there are logical requests for service, the needs are going to be resolved, but individuals have to be accountable for keeping their own properties up.  I think this is a real issue in Howard--that so many properties have been allowed to deteriorate.  The city shouldn't be expected to clean up or repair what belongs to individuals.  Taxpayers are the ones who suffer.

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