I wish Elk County would----------

Started by Wilma, June 17, 2008, 03:42:37 PM

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Quote from: srkruzich on September 22, 2008, 09:21:24 PM
Quote from: pepelect on September 22, 2008, 09:10:13 PM
My first set lasted 67045 miles.  That is about four and a half years.  They cost 210.  or the equilivant to 58.49 gallons of gas @3.49.  What kind, unless it is a broken down up on blocks kind, of truck can last 6 months on 58 gallons of gas?
LOL well tires ain't that cheap no more. 
Last tire i bought was over in eureka cause he had the best deal and it cost me 80 a tire.  But they don't make
anything more than 4 ply for a 14" wheel.
and my broken down ole truck has done me quite well thank you.  I don't go through 20 gallons of gas a month. Can't afford anymore. 
And its paid for and will run another 10 years. :)

QuoteHaven't had a new truck in 8 years.  
Shoot your truck is newer than mine!

QuoteI sold my old worn out gas hog of a four cylinder '87 toyota and got a heck of a deal on a '97 big block chevy.  As I am getting older/fatter, I continuously need a larger and more spacious vehicle.   One that much more matches my ego.

Still got my 89 s10   I'm older and getting fatter and still fit in my truck :)

QuoteThe seats are pretty worn on the drivers side so I will just stuff the seat covers with $100 bills to make me taller as I drive up and down the road looking for hedge apples to grill for lunch.
well if thats what it takes to hold ya up :) 

I am not trying to step on any toes, but I learned over my short years some very valuable lessons about my car.  Of course I don't drive alot either, I do the majority of shopping in Elk County, but cheaper is not always better.  When I got my first car, I always bought used tires, never new.  Did they last long???  NO!!  Of course now, I don't have much extra money either but new nice tires last alot longer.  I buy my from Lannings, don't know anything much about them but they cost around 85.00 a piece.  I have replaced them all since I bought my van 2 years ago.  But don't have many flats at all.  I do drive a little to fast, probably, but if that keeps things rolling it works for me. 

Also, I think we do have are share of problems with the roads.  But do you really think that the road crews go to work with a mission to make all the roads worse??  I don't think so.  The weather doesn't help the matter of the roads.  Can they do a better job???  Yes.  We need to give the new leader a chance before we knock him down.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Someone in this house helps make that crappy gravel that you drive on.

He can buy brand new tires when he needs them, and the tires he runs usually cost over $100 each. Usually he'll buy 2 tires one month and 2 the next.

Can't beat Lanning's or the Severy Co-op on tires. Cheapest around.

I'm will not complain about the job the county does on the roads. I will say there is room for improvement. And I would live it if they could grade the road once without hitting the phone line.


We all have options in this.  We can spend money and run with good tires or we can run with junk tires and spend our money on tire repair.  We can opt to slow down on the gravel roads and have less flats.  We can drive the super slabs and still run over something and still have a flat.  Most roads of any kind can use some improvement. Or of course we can just live in this beautiful part of the State and complain and tell us how everywhere else in the U.S. is better.


If you think about it....by the time you buy used or cheap tires, get them fixed a few times....You might as well have paid for the good tires that last.

I drive 7 miles from Howard to get home, all on gravel. I haven't had a flat tire in months. We run grip spur tires on the flatbed and they help, but they're pricey.


  Crappie is good pan fried or rolled with cornmeal. 

I know there are different grades of stone in EK.   Are you saying that the stuff the county puts on the road is the best available or just the cheapest that is available?  What percentage of fines are there for compaction? 

There are different milling techniques that produce different grades of gravel.  The way the rock is crushed is a vital component in how it incorporates into the road bed. 

No I don't think GW county has a better road department just much bigger because they have many more miles of roads.  They still use township maintenance. Which I think is a giant waste of money.  Central one shop like oh lets say Coffey County makes more sense.


Quote from: angtown3 on September 23, 2008, 07:25:22 AM
We need to give the new leader a chance before we knock him down.
That was my point exactly when I re-opened this thread.  I wanted to point out that some changes are being made, and I think that they're interesting!  Road conditions aren't going to change overnight (unless we have another 5-10" of rain).  It's a tough job stepping into someone else's shoes, especially OLD shoes that have been around for years, and it doesn't matter if you think the old shoes were good or not.  Be patient, accept change, and have a positive attitude.  I have driven quite a few more roads since my first post, and I REALLY am getting excited!  There are a couple areas that seem to have been "missed", but there are other sections of road that were really bad and the guys have done a knock-up job in getting it fixed!  If any of them are lurking out there, THANKS and GOOD JOB!  (Oh, and can you come back and do that scraping thing around the culvert in the road at the end of my driveway, too?)  ;)


Quote from: greatguns on September 23, 2008, 11:23:05 AM
We all have options in this.  We can spend money and run with good tires or we can run with junk tires and spend our money on tire repair.  We can opt to slow down on the gravel roads and have less flats.  We can drive the super slabs and still run over something and still have a flat.  Most roads of any kind can use some improvement. Or of course we can just live in this beautiful part of the State and complain and tell us how everywhere else in the U.S. is better.

Well, I can tell you this, I have spent money on good tires only to have them last for only a couple of years.  Drive slow and the same rock is still going to slice your tire. 

My other car is a mini van.  I don't drive it on the dirt roads except to get to a paved road which is 7 miles away.  I can't get heavy tread for it.  I'm limited at 8 ply tires and these were really good, expensive Michelin tires and after 2 years they already need to be replaced.  Bigger vehicle?  Forget it!!  Not with the price of gas!!  And yesterday they graded the road and pulled all the big rocks out of the ditch and left them in the middle of the road.  I was dodging rocks left and right praying I didn't get a flat. 


Hope you don't center one of those big rocks and do some damage to the underside of your car.  I haven't been out in the country since Mother's Day and then we took Janet's truck.  I really miss going out to that part of the county and seeing what all the old neighbors are doing.  And the beautiful wild flowers and wild life.   I used to call those rocks, Elk County gravel.


I don't have that much trouble with Elk county.  If I did I wouldn't have moved here!  ;)

But I do have one gripe!!  LOL

The speed of which drivers drive down this road.  My little girls dog got ran over the other morning because a truck actually sped up to try and hit him!!  That made me furious!  We have 4 children and the people down the road have two small children.  They do travel back and forth between the two houses.  How soon before these truck drivers and ranchers acidentally hit a child?  They drive down this road past our house hitting AT LEAST 55 mph.  That's way too fast on these dirt roads and there's no possible way they could stop suddenly should they need to.  

So, the roads I'm use to and have learned to cope with it, not a big deal, but the drivers endangering the lives of others on the road I do mind.  Anyone know if the county can put up signs here to alert people that there may be children in the area?  


Quote from: Wilma on September 25, 2008, 10:21:51 AM
Hope you don't center one of those big rocks and do some damage to the underside of your car.  I haven't been out in the country since Mother's Day and then we took Janet's truck.  I really miss going out to that part of the county and seeing what all the old neighbors are doing.  And the beautiful wild flowers and wild life.   I used to call those rocks, Elk County gravel.

I will say the leaves are starting to change.  :) 

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