I wish Elk County would----------

Started by Wilma, June 17, 2008, 03:42:37 PM

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Quote from: Wilma on October 21, 2008, 07:09:46 PM
I never used milk.  I used cream and what was left after the butter was made was buttermilk.  How can you churn buttermilk that already has all the fat out of it, into more butter?  I think we have two definitions of buttermilk here.

Take fresh milk with cream in it and churn it thats sweet cream butter.   Buttermilk is fermented milk.  You take
your milk with cream throw it in a jar and add buttermilk culture to it and let it ferment.  Then after 12 hours you churn it and
you get buttermilk butter and buttermilk.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Dale Smith

Hmmmm... this sounds complicated.  When I was a kid, in Howard, we got our milk from my grandparent's cow, in Sedan.  My Mom would skim the cream off the top, and we churned that into butter.  What was left after the butter was taken out, was buttermilk, and that was used for coating the chicken that was going to be fried, or for other types of baking. 


Quote from: Dale Smith on October 22, 2008, 03:54:22 AM
Hmmmm... this sounds complicated.  When I was a kid, in Howard, we got our milk from my grandparent's cow, in Sedan.  My Mom would skim the cream off the top, and we churned that into butter.  What was left after the butter was taken out, was buttermilk, and that was used for coating the chicken that was going to be fried, or for other types of baking. 

That's the way I remember granma doin it too...I always felt like big stuff if she let me churn lol
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I can remember my mom getting raw cream to cook with...it bears no resemblence to the weak stuff they sell as cream these days.  Mom would put fresh cream and sugar on our oatmeal...sure made that awful stuff way more palatable! lol

Dale Smith

Quote from: Catwoman on October 22, 2008, 06:19:42 PM
I can remember my mom getting raw cream to cook with...it bears no resemblence to the weak stuff they sell as cream these days.  Mom would put fresh cream and sugar on our oatmeal...sure made that awful stuff way more palatable! lol

Amen to that!  I used to love to put the raw cream on my cereal.  Once I moved to the big city, and started using milk, it just seemed so watery.  LOL   As much real cream, and real butter that we used, it's a wonder I'm not bigger than I am.


Ahhh real cream and real butter. I follow the Julie Childs theory here. It tastes better. The French have been doing it for years and on a whole they are thinner than Americans. I would rather have ice cream made with eggs, milk, cream, and sugar over the reduced fat|sugar versions. I eat way less ice cream but I find it more satisfying than eating the other stuff all the time.



Steve, you asked what we paid for our pork....The hog was $147 - that's for the WHOLE hog, not half. Can't remember the weight on it, I threw the paper away that had everything written on it. We won't know what the processing cost us at Family Tree until we pick up our meat on Saturday. I can post it then if you'd like to know.

While I'm on this topic - I noticed the county has mowed the ditches on the east-west roads with a bush hog. It looks so nice, and you can actually see at some of the intersections now!!


Quote from: CDBL on October 23, 2008, 02:53:50 PM
Steve, you asked what we paid for our pork....The hog was $147 - that's for the WHOLE hog, not half. Can't remember the weight on it, I threw the paper away that had everything written on it. We won't know what the processing cost us at Family Tree until we pick up our meat on Saturday. I can post it then if you'd like to know.

While I'm on this topic - I noticed the county has mowed the ditches on the east-west roads with a bush hog. It looks so nice, and you can actually see at some of the intersections now!!

I was just trying to see what its going to cost.   I thought about getting me some piglets for 30 a piece and raising them
but shoot it would cost me about 200 at least to feed them to a 250 lb weight for butcher.  :(

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


We considered that as well, but one of Billy's friends decided to raise a few. So, we went that route.


I couldn't butcher anything that I had closely raised and named. ( and I name everything that is remotely within petting distance.. )   :laugh:
That is why I have Mike Beller just pick me out a good hog and I go from there.
No name.. no bonding...no relationship.. no commitments.. no...................oppps............... :o I forgot..

we are talking about pork here, not men.
sorry..  :-[

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