I wish Elk County would----------

Started by Wilma, June 17, 2008, 03:42:37 PM

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Nit-picky!   ;D   ;D   ;D
OK, so I'll call it the "full hand wave". 

W. Gray

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Or you could call it the phalange waggle?  ;D ;D

Diane Amberg

   phalanges? Then ya could even wave yer toeies! :laugh:


Hubby is missing a forefinger on one hand; therefore he gets some strange reactions when he does the two finger wave! For awhile he couldn't figure it out that folks who did not know him thought he was giving the one finger salute! Hahahaha!  ;D ;D


Are all drivers getting stupider along highway 99?   Is our vision failing?  Can someone stop the bleeding from my wallet.....

:police:  Explain why after having a school for 29 years at the same location on the same high way in the same town we need a flashing light?  Where is the history of accidents?  Where are all the crosses for the dearly departed?  Of those that did wreck at the south high school entrance,  I bet the party pulling out on the highway was probably at fault more than the other way around.  What is next rumble strips south of the river bridge?    I know a stop light.   Two stop lights....One at Twlight with a left turn only then make the truck route go down Washington, turn on to Wabash, Turn on to Elk and then turn back on to the highway.  Northbound  we will have a  left turn only stoplight at Elk Street forcing traffic west until Wabash, then turning them back east on Washington. 

This plan is perfect.  You get to tour the day care, south park pool area, all the down town business, oggle the new park improvements and highlight the carwash.   

Couldn't we fix the intersection at 99/400 before we waste money on imaginary traffic?   

How about making the wide load/over sized load road through Moline passible with a wide load/over sized load?  If we are going to send the long and oversized loads down a road shouldn't the road be able to handle the traffic? 

I know this is a KDOT issue but we have not started a KDOT wish thread......yet.


Right on Pep! I often watch out my kitchen or dining room window as they stop all the traffic ---again--- to see-saw one of those large tanks around the sharp 90 degree corner. Then we can load up, go down to the curve on the way out of town to see if they make it around without slipping off the paving and putting another dent on that garage down there. I bet those folks have nearly paid off their mortgage collecting off the damage done to that garage by those trucks going around that curve.  ;D ;D


Just wait until Daughter #1 starts driving, and then you'll be GLAD there are caution lights at the high school, PEP.  This is a LONG TIME coming.  I think WE is the only school around that doesn't have flashing lights and school signs, and I think it's VERY dangerous.  We're lucky that there hasn't been more serious accidents.  People coming from the South, around the curve, might not realize there is a school there, and like I've said before... Hwy 99 doesn't exactly have a slow speed limit through town.
Also, in reading the school board minutes in the paper a couple weeks ago, something about annexing the school into Howard and the school board wouldn't agree until KDOT put up the caution lights.
There are ways to spend money smartly; and one more way to protect our kids is never a bad way to spend money. 
And what's so wrong about re-routing traffic through our town?  I don't see a billboard for Family Market on 99 that's just driving new business off the highway and down the main street.  Am I buying too many boxes of Grapenuts that you don't need any new non-local business?  (   :P   :angel:  Just playing devil's advocate to get Peppy pepped up.)
I do agree about the curve in Moline, too... Elk County is never going to be a good way to get anywhere with curves like that in the roads.  How the heck are they going to bring in our huge wind towers?


Here in Topeka we have 4 schools that do not have the flashing lights when school lets out. Three of the schools are right in Topeka, the largest one is Topeka High and it is just 5 blocks from downtown. They do have the crosswalks with flashing lights. We have 3 schools in the county that do not have flashing lights  anywhere
I have to agree with Pep on putting a sign at 99/400, at least a flashing caution light.
Out of Towner.


Wow, that surprises me; especially for Topeka!  Somehow I must just drive through all the towns that have the flashing lights and the speed limit changes to 20 mph during certain hours.  Talk about creeping down the street!  Not sure they need the 20 mph on Hwy 99, but glad they're getting the flashing lights to alert drivers there is a school there, anyway.  Heck, even Remington has the flashing light out on the main highway, and their school is 1/4 mile down a side road!

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