I wish Elk County would----------

Started by Wilma, June 17, 2008, 03:42:37 PM

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Quote#2)  They are from out of town, so they don't realize some of our "unspoken" rules, so cut them slack.

EEKS! We're from out of town too....but we live here now. Can you all longtimers let us newbies in on these "unspoken" rules? Is that why townsfolk sometimes give me funny looks, or is it because I really am funny-looking? LOL


Quote from: indygal on September 29, 2008, 02:14:48 PM

EEKS! We're from out of town too....but we live here now. Can you all longtimers let us newbies in on these "unspoken" rules? Is that why townsfolk sometimes give me funny looks, or is it because I really am funny-looking? LOL

if that is Terrell talking.. I have to say...    yep.. you nailed it on the head..  :D :D :D :D :D

But if it is Indygal herself.. I will be nice and say.................well............................... I will be nice and say.............uhhhh....
(((thinking...what CAN I say.......)))

.. I just can't bring myself to be nice.. so I will be quiet..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well, I was thinking about people running around where they shouldn't be and abandonded places.  If we get too used to strange vehicles running around, we might not notice those who are up to no good.  

And some of the unspoken rules for city-slickers are... 1) Wave (less than 5 fingers makes you look like you belong... middle finger is unacceptable).  2)  If you see a vehicle smaller than yours, move over for them so they don't have to try and straddle the wall of dirt.  3)  Don't stop to gawk at the bottom of a hill.  4)  Everyone out here (except you) makes a living driving these roads.  Respect our way of life and our way of going.


QuoteEEKS! We're from out of town too....but we live here now.

To all the NEW out-of-towners, you're a long-timer.   :D

To the long-timers, you'll always be a newbie.  :D  :D

Since you're caught in the middle - make up your own rules! ! !   ;D   ;D   ;D



Well, sometimes I do forget to wave, but I'm getting better at it. I almost always wave with all five fingers in the air, but they're all being polite and friendly! LOL

Teresa, it is me ... Indygal... saying those things so you'll just have to hush. My mama always said if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Your mama must have taught you the same ....  ;D ;)

Tobina, you'll never catch me gawking at the bottom of a hill. Why would anyone do that, anyway? Do people really do that?  ???

Mom, I like your advice and will give you all the credit whenever someone calls me out for making up my own rules.....  :D


No gawking at the bottom of the hills.  If you stop to talk, being neighborly, stop at the top of the hill or on the flat away from corners.   Keep your eyes on the road when the Sedgwackers start shooting the deer start jumping. 

Send anyone with a price tag hanging from their blaze orange cap to the snipe hunt on road 32 east of Blodgett.....

You know you have gone from newbie to old timer if you catch your self waving after dark.

If you see any dancing lights off in the distance getting closer and closer it is not UFO's it is just a couple of coonhunter with new fancy hat bill lights they got for Christmas.

Don't wear red on your horse.  Wear Blaze Orange......

Lead      Follow      Or just get out of the way.

Yes there are rulz................PEP RULZ

Only road hunt with the rifle hanging out the passenger side window.......Fish and Game are every where.

Don't shoot the robo deer.

Keep you poached animals in a locked toolbox.    But make sure you silicone the holes shut..... Blood running down the running boards is a dead give away.

Democrat season ends the first week in November so get your limit quickly....

Do not leave their pelts just laying around have some respect.  They are already stinking up the place.

Wind towers are not a good target to site in the new hardware.....but I hear there are some chicken running loose south of Piedmont.


Oh! (slaps forehead)....OK. Now I understand what was meant about the gawking thing. I read Tobina's comment as "Don't stand at the top of the hill and gawk at the bottom of it" ....not "Don't park at the bottom of the hill and gawk at stuff." This is a perfect example of the misunderstandings that can happen if you don't read something the way it was intended. Sorry, Tobina...not picking on you at all here....in fact, I'm relieved Elk County folks aren't really gawking at the bottoms of hills! Had me worried for a minute.....LOL


Ha Ha ha!  Too funny, Indygal!  See, you're becoming a native already!  At least you didn't ask what gawking was... and ask if you can use it around your leaky tub.
Oh, the 5 finger wave isn't really rural-cool.  See, the point is that you keep "some" fingers on the steering wheel, and wave with the rest.  Thus allowing the free hand to work the manual shifter... or keep hold of all the stuff in your passenger's seat as you swerve into the ditch... just kidding.  ALTHOUGH, if you've mastered the wrist-steer, you can feel free to use the 5 finger wave.


I do not understand the 5 finger wave. Humans have 4 fingers and a thumb. Am I missing something or what?
Maude and Maxine.

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