PJB: How Obama Won — and May Win

Started by Warph, June 15, 2008, 03:07:58 PM

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Another big Amen! Thanks for posting TTM, I watched the video even though I do not ordinarily watch videos as my high speed connection is so slow. I cannot in all honesty justify a more expensive connection just to watch videos. (sigh). Anyway, I appreciate your input, keep up the good work. Yes We Can!

momof 2boys

Nice to see something positive!  I'm with you tallerthanmost, I hope whomever is elected looks out for "we the people", not just we the republicans or we the democrats.  We need to heal some ole wounds and unite as a nation.


Quote from: tallerthanmost on June 16, 2008, 02:18:24 PM
At least he can speak!!!  And your right we will have to see how he does, just like we will have to see  about anybody  else..I do not know how anybody will act like and if they will follow through with the promises that they have made to all the voters.. I just hope in my heart that whoever becomes president does the best they can and looks out for the people..  I will be happy with that..]
Yes, the man can speak...He seems to have taken a few pages out of Martin Luther King's speech book...but he is woefully deficient in every other area.  The truly sad thing is that he honestly believes, in his inexperience, that he actually can make a difference...he hasn't been around the political venues long enough to realize that, being in the Senate, he actually has more power to do good for the comman man than he will if he actually steps up to the Presidency.  It has been disturbing to note that our youth seems to have been swayed by his rhetoric, caught up in the "hope" hysteria.  The worry here is that we will have to deal with the same garden variety mistakes, made by an inexperienced President, that we have had to deal with in the past (anyone remember the Bay of Pigs incident??).     


Barack Obama says that We the people of the United States can make a difference, not that he can make a difference. I am grateful that the youth of our nation have become involved in this election. For so long they have been disenfranchised and have not been involved in our nations' politics. They feel for the first time in a long while that they can make a difference. Young, old, middle aged, it makes a difference if we work together. We now know who you are not 'for'; so tell us who you are 'for'.


I dont believe he gets his material  from  Martin Luther King although as a interacial  male I'm sure he was influenced by the man... I just hope that wasnt a racial remark being made by you.  Yes he is half black and half white but why should that matter, in the world we live in today that shouldn't matter at all.


If I read the post correctly, I think the focus was on the eloquent and powerful way that Mr. Obama speaks draws a page from MLK, not the color of his skin.


how well any politican speaks depends on how well they can read the speech written for them by their writers, be it Obama, McCain, Hillary or Bush.  It has always been that ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS


We the people CAN make a difference but a WHOLE lot of things in the way the government operates are gonna have to be changed to let it happen.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Flo, are you saying that Bush has trouble reading?


Quote from: tallerthanmost on June 17, 2008, 06:35:56 AM
I dont believe he gets his material  from  Martin Luther King although as a interacial  male I'm sure he was influenced by the man... I just hope that wasnt a racial remark being made by you.  Yes he is half black and half white but why should that matter, in the world we live in today that shouldn't matter at all.
Dan has it right...I was referencing his eloquence, nothing more.  From the tone of your warning remark about your hopes, you could be a person of color...so, I apologize heartily.  Also, to the person who stated that it was obvious whom I was 'not for', I never stated unilaterally that I was 'against' Obama.  In fact, if I remember correctly, I believe I stated that he seems to think that he can bring change.  I simply said that I doubted that he had any chance of actually bringing that change.  In answer to that person, let me state clearly that I am not impressed by any of the people who have presented themselves as being candidate material for the 2008 election.  The qualifications that I would be looking for, in a candidate, would be:  Experience, both domestically and abroad...Enough youth to be energetic in their leadership but enough age and sophistication to prevent garden variety mistakes...and a proven record of service over a long period of years.  So far, I have not read of anyone who completely meets those criteria.  Hillary Clinton comes the closest of anyone but I'm not in the mood to foot the bill for another retirement for her and Bill...they've already got three retirements (his Presidency, his Governorship, and her having been a Senator)...which I would think would be enough for one lifetime.

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