
Started by Marcia Moore, June 15, 2008, 10:17:22 AM

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Marcia Moore



She was one of my very best friends growing up.  I think about her alot.  Her parents were like second parents to me.  I spent alot of time at their house.  I will never forget this accident.  I remember it like yesterday!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I remember it too Ang, just like it was yesterday. All the sirens that day and then the word that Robin was dead. The whole junior class huddled up for 3 days mourning the accident. My brother took it real hard. She was the first of several of his friends and classmates to meet an untimely death. It was a very sad time. I remember her working at Knight's lumber on Saturdays. I learned later that my sister Roberta was one of the first to arrive at the scene. She was going down the road and came across it. The ambulances hadn't even gotten there yet. It was a bad deal and she still doesn't talk about it. I was just glad that the people who bought the place replaced the tin on the building where Doug had hit. Although I don't know whatever happened to the big cross that used to be there in the corner of the property.

Marcia Moore


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